I want to crossbreed coppon(GT crop), but i can't find anything plantable with at least one of the attributes matching, so i am hereby asking for a list of attributes.
I can't find much information about attributes
- blub01
- Closed
i found that page, but it only contains attributes of GT crops, and what i want is info on ic² crop attributes(and the plantable stuff).
Well the IC2 crop version is here: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Crop_…g_%28IndustrialCraft_2%29
Necroing in the hopes there's one for the new IC2 and the new GT5U crops. Been trying to get Scheelinium for weeks. If I knew it's attributes (I am assuming 'metal' is one) maybe it could help. This was a top result when I was searching for gregtech crop attributes.