I will update in a coulpe days. Tomorrow or one day later... Depends how i feel. (there will be an update in 2 days. I will not wait longer. But i want to relax)

[IC2 Exp|IC2 Classic][1.6.4] AdvGenerators^3
Well, I did not know that there was a save catch in your code
Thanks for doing so, and enjoy your free time! I don't want you to spend it all on IC² if you don't want to!Anyways, I want to report another crash: When trying to pipe UUM (since it' a liquid now) into the Plasmafier, my game crashes. I was using a liquiduct (which works fine with wood gassers). Not sore whether it happens with other means of fluid transport too.
Forge log:
Display More2015-02-09 20:27:35 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] Encountered an unexpected exception NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException at net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry.getFluidID(FluidRegistry.java:115) at speiger.src.advgenerators.common.blocks.machine.Plasmafier.fill(Plasmafier.java:321) at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.fluid.ConduitFluid.transfer(ConduitFluid.java:201) at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.fluid.ConduitFluid.doOutput(ConduitFluid.java:184) at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.Grid.doGridUpdate(Grid.java:133) at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.fluid.GridFluid.doGridUpdate(GridFluid.java:80) at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.GridTickHandler.tickEnd(GridTickHandler.java:75) at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SingleIntervalHandler.java:34) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:141) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPostServerTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:274) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:622) at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:129) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:484) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:583)
This mod is becoming more and more stable and thus awesome again!
Also deleteing NEI plugin actually worked, thanks for that hint! -
Well, I did not know that there was a save catch in your code
Thanks for doing so, and enjoy your free time! I don't want you to spend it all on IC² if you don't want to!Anyways, I want to report another crash: When trying to pipe UUM (since it' a liquid now) into the Plasmafier, my game crashes. I was using a liquiduct (which works fine with wood gassers). Not sore whether it happens with other means of fluid transport too.
Forge log:
Display More2015-02-09 20:27:35 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Server] Encountered an unexpected exception NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException at net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry.getFluidID(FluidRegistry.java:115) at speiger.src.advgenerators.common.blocks.machine.Plasmafier.fill(Plasmafier.java:321) at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.fluid.ConduitFluid.transfer(ConduitFluid.java:201) at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.fluid.ConduitFluid.doOutput(ConduitFluid.java:184) at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.Grid.doGridUpdate(Grid.java:133) at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.fluid.GridFluid.doGridUpdate(GridFluid.java:80) at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.GridTickHandler.tickEnd(GridTickHandler.java:75) at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SingleIntervalHandler.java:34) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:141) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPostServerTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:274) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:622) at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:129) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:484) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:583)
This mod is becoming more and more stable and thus awesome again!
Also deleteing NEI plugin actually worked, thanks for that hint!This is a interesting Crash. Ok. Good thing to know. TE3 Pipes do try to insert Null into handlers. Why ever. And what ever.
The reason why it is so not really compatible to IC2 Exp is because this mod is based on IC2 Classic... (My version) and i had to tryadjust it to the IC2 Exp mod which is kinda hard. I think i need two workspaces for IC2 Exp and IC2 Classic...
But i know how to fix it. and did it while i was typing the answer...The other Thing with the plugins is a new trick i learned from IC2 Classic/IC2 1.4.7 Version. You can remove every plugin without changing the Mod at all because it is loading it differend. Instead thinking that the plugins are there, he gets only a hint. There should be a plugin and if you find it create a copy out of it and ask if it want to be loaded... ^^"
Ok, very nice. Also since UUM is a fluid now, wouldn't it make sense to have two liquid containers in the gui, one for UUM and one for plasma?
Ok, very nice. Also since UUM is a fluid now, wouldn't it make sense to have two liquid containers in the gui, one for UUM and one for plasma?
Em nope makes no sence at all at least for me. The Primary version of it is based on IC2 Classic and IC2 Exp is only a small support, which make a couple features even not longer possible...
But i made a equalnt creation between uumatter to plasma. (1 for 1 mB)
I hope that is no problem...A little teaser: Do you know biomaterials? Its from the Same modauthor...
And i will release the fix tomorrow. I am to tired today (even if it is now 4 pm). Did work on to much on a little submod which is also on my Todolist and i want to have it away... Also fixing IC2 Bugs i found... Still no idea how to fix the Armor Stuff.. (some armor parts will be rendered weird).Speiger
Wow, I do know biomaterials! Very nice!
Well about 1 uum to 1mb plasma, the issue is that there simply is no UUM item anymore, it's only a liquid afaik. -
Wow, I do know biomaterials! Very nice!
Well about 1 uum to 1mb plasma, the issue is that there simply is no UUM item anymore, it's only a liquid afaik.XD ok.
To the other thing. I made a IC2 Exp compatiblity. And you do missunderstood me. You can put IC2 Exp UUMatter cells in and you get a Plasma cell out (of the amount) and if that crash bug would not exsist than you could pump in the Fluid of UUMatter. And there counts the 1 mB uuMatter to 1 mb Plasma...And to the its only a liquid. If you play IC2 Exp then it is true, but if you play IC2 Classic it is a Item still (like this here:
) And since there is a download for the Forestry fix there is no longer a problem with other mods...
Update 1.3.3:
Fixed: Filling FluidUUMatter into a plasmafier crash the game. Also its working now.Fixed: Potential bug with IC2 Exp and Slowgrinders.
Added: Biomaterials to AdvGenerators mod. Can be dissabled via config.Also API Mode should work now.
I hope you enjoy it.
I've failed to port it to 1.6.4 and you have done so.
So thank you for your services in the community.
No problem. XD It was kinda hard to make the first release because of:
Looking into the orignal code, Writing it again, but completly differend,
looking again because i made a mistake, couldn't find the mistake, found after 3 days the mistake,
almost finishing the mod found that a way how the old moddev made something is no longer possible (thanks forge for requireing ASM for changing classes), adding into ic2 classic a support for something like it was before. Finishing the mod then and supporting then IC2 EXP.Still a lot of bugs in this thing. Examples:
Slowgrinders you can only mine. (Wrench do not work).
Slowgrinder input, Outputslots are derped in the gui.
A lot of Sided Inventories are still not good jet.
Still thinking of making the PESD again to make a PESU.
A lot of textures do not really update.
Shiftlicking do not work when InvTweaks is installed (that is a bug of SpmodAPI but it is also getting into AdvGenerators^3)
CraftingGuide/NEI Support are not done jet.
And So on So on.
And if you guys want to know what i planned more, there is a todolist in the GithubWiki xD. -
So I just did multiple hours of testing on constant wood gassing and everything worked fine so far.
I would only request to add MFR Rubberwood to the gassable wood sorts, since the E-Wood gassifier (and I suppose also the normal one, but I forgot to check) does not accept MFR rubber wood in its input slot.
Would appreciate if that could be fixed since I run my tree farm with mfr rubber trees preferred.
Thanks for fixing all the stuff again! works like a charm for now.
- Shadow -
Hey Shadowlife thanks for this big support.
I nodest your thing as bugreport and will try out what causing that,
but normally it should accept that as wood because i do use the Oredictionary to get these Woods. So they are not defined inside of that.
I will try to fixing that as best as possible.
I will make an update anyway soon but let me finish my ItemEnergyNet on TinyModularThings first ^^"Little changes that happend: SolarTurbine is now a FluidTank. Some little adjustments here and there,
but the InventoryTweaks i could not fixSpeiger
Well, if the MFR wood is not registered in ore dict, that's not your fault and I will go ahead and report that to the creator (or as of now I think maintainer) of that mod.
€dit: Ouuu! I just realized I used an old version of mfr (only the 2nd latest) which I got from a FTB pack while COFH was down for me. Maybe an update will fix that.
€dit2: Nope it did not. I found out why this happens now anyways: you use oredict to input logWood into the gassers, but woodRubber is not accepted (applies for IC2 rubber wood too). I guess this was done on purpose, so I'll just pull back this bug and fix it for myself via minetweaker.
Well, if the MFR wood is not registered in ore dict, that's not your fault and I will go ahead and report that to the creator (or as of now I think maintainer) of that mod.
€dit: Ouuu! I just realized I used an old version of mfr (only the 2nd latest) which I got from a FTB pack while COFH was down for me. Maybe an update will fix that.
€dit2: Nope it did not. I found out why this happens now anyways: you use oredict to input logWood into the gassers, but woodRubber is not accepted (applies for IC2 rubber wood too). I guess this was done on purpose, so I'll just pull back this bug and fix it for myself via minetweaker.
Hi shadow. I already Fixed that bug.
MFR rubber wood is registered inside of the Oredictionary, but not as logWood. It is registered as rubberWood.
I adjusted my isWood() function to that and added the searching for the OreID rubberWood id too.Thanks for that bugreport and i will uploade the newest version in a couple days when my newest update is ready. (Missing some recipes everything else is now ready to test)
Update 1.3.12:
-Fixed: Machines should be wrenchable now.
-Fixed: PESU stores now energy again.-Fixed: Wood Gasser accepts now MFR Wood, also it should accept IC2 Wood. (IF not blame me for that and you get a hotfix)...
-Added: SolarTurbine is now a FluidTank, it accepts only Water.Thats it Basicly. This mod is simply done i just keep fixing bugs i find. No really much new content.
Hope you enjoy it. Download link is as always at the top.
Just a question to anyone who can make textures...
The next update come soon and i want to add Iridium Glass. Iridium Stone is awesome but you can see sadly nothing through it.
So if anyone has a textureIdea for Iridium Glass would be cool if you could help me out. (Codewise i also can add connected textures if you want to make some... Just need to tell me what codes i need to add) -
Retextured reinforced glass with hexagon "background" ? Well, I don't think a lot of people is using this mod either, as ALMOST everyone moved to 1.7.10... ;c
^^" Lets say it like this i am making already my mod like this that updating it takes maybe a week or something and i will have almost no bugs...
When the update happens is in the starts but just saying it.^^" suprise me xD