Used Crop ID list

  • Notice: newer version of IC2 don't use Crop IDs anymore. This list is kind of useless :P
    This is a small list of known addons/mods that use up crop IDs, and what they use.

    IC2 currently uses 0-23, but I'd avoid 0-39 for future expansion.
    IC2 Classic (Immibis) currently uses 0-21 (conflicting with IC2). There's probably not a need to worry about expansion.
    SkyTech Crops currently uses 40-59, but I'd avoid 40-80 for future expansion.
    GregTech currently uses 124-142 and 145-149, but I'd avoid 124-199 for future expansion (gap is because the red and brown mushroom were moved to IC2).
    IndustrialEx currently uses just 200, but I'm reserving 200-350 (I has big planz :3).

    Please alert me if I missed an addon (or another mod), or if you're working on a mod/addon, or if anything is incorrect. If you're working on a "secret project" you can PM (I totally will not tell anyone, unless they pay me big bucks :P)

    Help the Official FTB Wiki reach a billion pages! [I had to keep changing it so there ^^]

    Someone should fix the gravel texture in the background. It's been years now, come on people.

    Edited 2 times, last by xbony2 ().

  • The IC2 API seems to be against it:


    Auto-assign an ID to a plant and register it. Usage of this method is not recommended! Other plants could take your IDs and cause your plants to turn into other plants.

    (method Crops.instance.registerCrop(CropCard crop))

    Help the Official FTB Wiki reach a billion pages! [I had to keep changing it so there ^^]

    Someone should fix the gravel texture in the background. It's been years now, come on people.

  • Someone needs to update the javadocs :P I nominate Thunderdark.

    Help the Official FTB Wiki reach a billion pages! [I had to keep changing it so there ^^]

    Someone should fix the gravel texture in the background. It's been years now, come on people.

    • Official Post

    That's unfair, unless you make him make them all in German :P Thunderdark should be left to finish crops anyway

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

    • Official Post

    Yeah. No one is waiting for Gregtech 6 or anything.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

    • Official Post

    They make the wiki look up to date :P

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Actually they really aren't that bad. Some of them might need an update though. And they need more random knock-knock jokes :P

    Help the Official FTB Wiki reach a billion pages! [I had to keep changing it so there ^^]

    Someone should fix the gravel texture in the background. It's been years now, come on people.

    • Official Post

    If they're not that bad, why are you complaining? :P You should do it if only some of it is necessary, since TD is busy and Greg obviously won't

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Well... I have to have something to complain about :P also there's a few things that should be javadocs but are instead just multi-line comments. And IKineticWindRotor doesn't have any javadocs.

    <!-- insert other comments here -->

    Help the Official FTB Wiki reach a billion pages! [I had to keep changing it so there ^^]

    Someone should fix the gravel texture in the background. It's been years now, come on people.

  • That list is kinda usefull^^"

    Thanks :P it's not entirely updated for 1.6.4, so IC2 really uses 0-23 and GT uses 124-149, and the other mods don't exist. But the Mushroom CropCard addon that MistrX made uses 99 - 100.

    Help the Official FTB Wiki reach a billion pages! [I had to keep changing it so there ^^]

    Someone should fix the gravel texture in the background. It's been years now, come on people.

  • Thanks :P it's not entirely updated for 1.6.4, so IC2 really uses 0-23 and GT uses 124-149, and the other mods don't exist. But the Mushroom CropCard addon that MistrX made uses 99 - 100.

    ok. I also add an CropID. (At the moment only one) that is Hemp. I do autogenerate the id from IC2s autoassigning thing.

  • Probably not the best idea to do that in 1.6.4, there's a low enough amount of mods that add crops to go ahead and set a permeant ID. Making it configurable is also wise.

    Help the Official FTB Wiki reach a billion pages! [I had to keep changing it so there ^^]

    Someone should fix the gravel texture in the background. It's been years now, come on people.