It was producing red alloy at my voltage so it was at least partially overridden. I just reduced the input to 1 redstone to get it cheap. As final note as I think I have finally fixed most of what I wanted. Any way to undo the charcoal nerf? I haven't seen anything in the config and I've tried re-adding it via furnace recipes but I think it's being overridden.
[GT-5.09.** & Minetweaker/Crafttweaker Addon] Addon Version 1.7.5- Adding custom Recipes for all Gregtech 5 machines (Now with Fusion Reactor and Ordict support)
It's in the "disabledrecipes" section of Recipes.cfg. Just change "B:wood2charcoalsmelting_true=true" to "B:wood2charcoalsmelting_true=false".
....... And I can't believe I've been missing that config. Thank you for all your help Mauve.I've been making these changes so the learning curve isn't as steep for new folks, namely my friends.
Yep, the value of energy was a test, so I will modify it later
. I think it would be great to add the eu field to the chemical reactor (and also for the rest of machines that do not have it, if possible).
Use version 1.1.1
Was this dropped from 1.4.2? I don't see it in the GitHub code, and I got an error when I tried to use it with 1.4.2, but when I switched to 1.1.1, it worked.Also, I discovered an important omission from the documentation at http://minetweaker3.powerofbyt…iki/Mods:GregTech_Support - the Electrolyzer doesn't support output chances when the input and output fluids are omitted. (interesing side note: I can't find any default recipes in 5.09.23 that actually make use of that feature - all of the standard Electrolyzer recipes seem to have 100% (not shown) output chances)
While I'm at it, looking at…nes/ why is "cells" an int parameter in the version of the method without the input and output fluids?
For some reason I added mfr and it's breaking my scripts. I removed it for now but somewhat irritating.*edit* nvm idiot here forgot a ";"
Okay I have made decent progress, however I am running into an issue using GT Tools. From what I understand they each have an item tag to identify them rather than an actual id. I have created a script to cheapen the costs of lower tier plates and it works. However whenever a player on the server uses the recipe I get the message " Warning subitems- do not have damaged states" I have tried to append the script with ".withTag({{}})" and ".withTag({{*}})" but those just break the script.
Here is the working script :
recipes.addShaped(<Railcraft:part.plate:1>, [[<gregtech:gt.metatool.01:12>.transformDamage(5),null,null],[<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:11305>,null,null]]); -
Okay I have made decent progress, however I am running into an issue using GT Tools. From what I understand they each have an item tag to identify them rather than an actual id. I have created a script to cheapen the costs of lower tier plates and it works. However whenever a player on the server uses the recipe I get the message " Warning subitems- do not have damaged states" I have tried to append the script with ".withTag({{}})" and ".withTag({{*}})" but those just break the script.
Here is the working script :
recipes.addShaped(<Railcraft:part.plate:1>, [[<gregtech:gt.metatool.01:12>.transformDamage(5),null,null],[<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:11305>,null,null]]);Remove the "transformDamage" part. GT Metatools store durability differently, and GregTech automatically decreases durability from metatools used in crafting instead of consuming them (unless of course durability reaches zero, at which point presumably the metatool does disappear/get consumed), so you don't need it.
Any plans on getting a 1.10.2 build? I am working on Infitech for 1.10 and I am missing it
There are some 1.10 version on github but i heared about that it wont work. I never touche mc 1.10 but i will ask techlone to help me out here.
There are some 1.10 version on github but i heared about that it wont work. I never touche mc 1.10 but i will ask techlone to help me out here.
I took a look at your github and made a build. It works but has only one issue, and that is the recipes are not showing in JEI. They did something in some of the versions (don't know which one) which broke most of the modtweaker/gttweaker stuff. -
Hey, is it possible to remove AlloySmelter recipes?
And if so, how?
Hey, is it possible to remove AlloySmelter recipes?
And if so, how?
recipes can only be removed via the cfg file recipes.cgSearch for the entry you want to disable and set to =0
I:Bismuth_1104=0 -
Ok, nice. Thanks a lot
Hmmm, ive tried that now, and it seems it does not work very well.
Because when i disable the recipes in the config, i cant add new recipes per MineTweaker.
Any solution?
Hmmm, ive tried that now, and it seems it does not work very well.
Because when i disable the recipes in the config, i cant add new recipes per MineTweaker.
Any solution?
Please provide more details, like what the GT recipe(s) you're removing looked like, and the scripts you're using to add new recipes.
Since disabling GT recipes in the configs is based on the time taken by the recipes, a new recipe with the same output or input (whichever can be isolated to a single item/block) has to have a different duration, otherwise the config will also apply to the new recipe(s).
I try to remove the rubber Ingot to Tinkers' glue block in alloy smelter recipe.
And here the part of my script to add a new recipe:
Display More// --- Importing --- import mods.gregtech.AlloySmelter; // --- Variables --- val BallOfGlue = <TConstruct:materials:36>; // --- Blocks --- val GlueBlock = <TConstruct:GlueBlock>; // --- Adding Alloy Smelter Recipes --- // --- Blocks --- AlloySmelter.addRecipe(GlueBlock, BallOfGlue * 9, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32308> * 0, 5, 16);
I meant for you to provide an image of the old recipe without your attempt to disable it via config (although perhaps you tried to, and the new forum software broke the embedded image). I don't use Tinkers' Construct, so I wouldn't have it in my config, and I searched through GT5u code downloaded from GitHub, but I can't find what the normal duration of this "rubber ingot to Tinkers' glue block" recipe you mention is. I wonder if it's actually added by another mod. (apparently there's one called "Tinkers' Gregworks", which presumably adds extra cross-functionality between Tinkers' Construct and GregTech, so it could be from that)
Side note: I presume gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32308 is the block mold, but it's not obvious here. For the sake of readability and future maintainability, I suggest you assign it to a value with a more descriptive name.
I can tweak !
Ok, here the Image you requested:
I have tested gregtech and tinkers construct without any other mods and the recipe still exists. This recipe must be auto generated because the glue block is registered by default as a "blockRubber"-OreDict. I have removed the glue block out of this oredict, but minetweaker applies it scripts after gregtech generated this recipe i think.
And yes, gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32308 is the block mold. Next time i will fix this.
Ok, here the Image you requested:
I have tested gregtech and tinkers construct without any other mods and the recipe still exists. This recipe must be auto generated because the glue block is registered by default as a "blockRubber"-OreDict. I have removed the glue block out of this oredict, but minetweaker applies it scripts after gregtech generated this recipe i think.
And yes, gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:32308 is the block mold. Next time i will fix this.
Strange. I wonder why I couldn't find it in the GT5u source code then. I wouldn't expect Tinkers' Construct to add the processing recipe. Although... does Tinkers' construct allow making glue blocks from IC2 rubber ingots via the smeltery? GregTech might detect those recipes from Tinkers, which would be harder to track down in the source.
Anyway, dividing the total EU by the EU/t reveals that the default recipe takes 5 ticks, as does the recipe you tried to add via MineTweaker. This means that the config entry applies to both recipes. To allow enabling yours separately, you need to give it a different duration - 1 tick shorter or longer is sufficient.