Can you somehow simplify the translation ??

[GT-5.09.** & Minetweaker/Crafttweaker Addon] Addon Version 1.7.5- Adding custom Recipes for all Gregtech 5 machines (Now with Fusion Reactor and Ordict support)
lets switch to the other thread you here in the GTTweaker section.
1.7.5 Add GT++ Blast Smelter more recipes
1.7.4 Add GT++ Blast Smelter
1.7.3 Add GT++ Multi Electrolyzer
1.7.2 Add GT++ Multi Centrifuge
1.7.1 Fix weird char in cokeoven java
1.7.0 Added a low gravity flag in the autoclave; added a fluid output in the blast furnace; added a secondary output in the chem reactor; added addUniversalRecipe method in the distillation tower; changed addRecipe in the oil cracker; added a PrimitiveBlastFurnace support
Is it possible to use only fluids in chemical reactors?
I tried to add recipe using only fluids, but when implemented the script, it gives me an error.
So i was searching a bit trough the recipes and found that "large chemical reactor" can accept fluids, but it think this add-on doesn't add the possibility to add a recipe to the machine.
If that's the case, are you going to add compatibility with the large chemical reactor?
(sorry because my English, I'm not a native speaker)
Since DreamMasterXXL hasn't responded yet, I will try:
I've looked at source code for GT5u and this addon, and the large chemical reactor is indirectly supported already - if you add a recipe for the single-block chemical reactor, GT5u will automatically add an LCR recipe as well, with any fluids used directly instead of in cells. However, this doesn't allow for recipes requiring more than 2 non-fluid inputs or more than 3 total inputs, which are supported by the LCR (which if I'm reading the tooltip correctly, can theoretically have up to 14 total input and output hatches/buses, though I imagine more than 6 inputs or outputs could cause problems with displaying the recipe in NEI)