[NewHorizons] Ultra Hard Gregified modpack via Minetweaker and Modtweaker. GT, Thaumcraft, Buildcraft, Witchery, Galacticraft, BloodMagic, Forestry, Better Questing 2,8K Quests
Me and a few friends of mine are craving for a challenging but still well balanced gregtech modpack, please help us out!
Also if it's possible, we could host our own server.
Thanks a lot! -
Hello, I am the owner of ProsperCraft http://www.prospercraft.com some of my players and I would like to host your pack if you are open to it.
I would also like to come visit your server, I am a veteran of the Kirara server which I played for months and made it to space.
That looks really cool, i'd like to try this out.
IGN: Omri -
I've been craving for a challenge and I think I might have found one.
IGN: Goofyschooler -
Mod Upgrade:
AE2 Stuff update to prevent the crash)
AppleCore 1.3.0
Applied Energistics rv3 beta 5
Automagy 28.2
Auto Packager 1.5.9
Biomes o Plenty 2.1.0 1889
Cofh Core
Cofh Lib
Ender IO
Extra Cells 2 2.3.9b188
Forbidden Magic 0.573
Galacticraft (down grade because Galaxy Space)
Gravitation Suite 2.0.65u
GT New Horizons Core Mod 1.1.26
GTTweaker 1.1.0(Gt 5.09 support)
IC2 Nuclear Control 2.3.4a
Industrial Craft 2
Journeymap 5.1.4
Malisis Core 0.14.3
Malis Door 1.13.2
Nei Integration 1.1.2
Nodal mechanics 1.0.12
Not Enough Thaumcraft Tabs 1.0.2
Open Blocks 1.5.1
Open Computers
Open Mods Libs 0.9.1
Open Modular Turrets
Open Security 1.0.91
Optifine HD UD1
Project Blue 1.1.6
Project Red
Special Mobs 3.2.2
Spice of Life 1.3.1
Storage Drawers 1.9.4
Storage Drawers Wood Addons 1.1.1 (Forestry, Natura, Bop, Misc(Thaumcraft, Witchery)
Thaumic Energistics (rv3 beta 5 compatible with new conten)
Thaumic Thinkerer 2.5.523
Tinker's Construct 1.8.9custom
Tinkers Gregworks 1.0.8
YamCore 0.5.63Mod Removed:
Moebius Core 1.2.5
Not enough Codecs 0.3.13
Changed/added Recipes and/or configs:Advanced Solar Panels (Fix Molecular Transformer Recipe)
Chisel (Add recipes)
Ender (IO Coordinator NBT Tag Fix, Dark Clear Glass fix, Correct the ID of Viberant capacitor Band Upgrades, Change Panel recipe, Change Io Wrench recipe, EnderIO Capacitor bank upgradibility)
Extra Utilities (TC Research & recipe tweaks, Bedrockium Ingot and Compressed stuff changed)
Forestry (Replace .giveBack with .transformReplace because of the Working Table)
Gravisuit (Change recipefrom Advanced Nano Chest : added Chrome Plates instead of iridium Plates.)
Gregtech (Force Diamond dust to be obtained by macerating a diamond block, Add Obsidian plates recipe out of Ingots)
IC2 (Add missing basalt dust recipe, Remove duplicate biogas recipe from distillery)
Minecraft (Vanilla Thaumcraft Research & Recipe scripts)
Nature (Fix recipe using wrong sticks)
Nodal Mechanics (Remove Nodal mechanics zs because add the new Version with the changed recipes)
Open Modular Turrest (Correct molten.concrete to wet.concrete)
Pams Harvestcraft (Clean Pam's scripts and hide unused blocks, Added Harvest Craft Beeswax to Ordict and to Compressor recipe, Added recipe for salt and fresh water, Added recipe for mixing bowl, change recipe from pot, saucepan and skillet, added salt block recipe)
Railcraft (Remove the Firestone shaped recipe, Add Creosote fuel to the Furnace. Burn value 6400 or 32 items)
Thaumcraft (Thaumcraft recipes changes adn additions approved by Drobac. Thaumcraft is done 100%)
Tinkers Construct (Lower TiC TC aspect costs & adjust their recipes. Added Obsidian Totem and tile to the smeltery, Shears are not consumed any more when crafting Wool slabs)
Warp Theory (Item/Research fixes and Warp warnings)Code changes:
Gregtech (Added wet concrete, Add Void Metal material )
Tinkers Construct (Add config option to TiC for removal of gold casts)Config added/changes:
Draconic Evolution (Old armor textures enabled(the pretty ones))
Enchiridion (Restrict enchiridion library to only contain books acquired by the player.)
Enhanced Lootbags (Lootbag configs, New folder for LootBags (Mod will be added later))
Gendustry/Twilight Forest (New TF bee species/drops & adjust Extra Bees Research)
Hunger overhaul (Disable constant hunger loss, remove Butcher Trades)
Infernal Mobs (Witchery bosses can no longer become infernal)
Morpheus (Lower sleep percentage to 25%)
NEI (Default NEI to recipe instead of cheat mode)
Pams Harvestcraft/Spice of Life (change food config, Food boost and no pams bees, Modified food formula)
Project Red (Regenerate ProjectRed.cfg to prevent Ore Spawn)
Special Mobs (remove Ender Effect)
Tinker Construct (Add config option to TiC for removal of gold casts)
Tinkers Gregworks (rebalanced most of the values of the Gt Materials for tinker tools)
Translocators (Disable mobile crafting grid)
Warp Theory (Warp-Multiplier down to x1; Lightning Effect to 30) -
Version 2016
New Mods
Enhanced LootBags 1.0
Mod Updates
Galacticraft (Downgrade because crash with GS and optifine)
Changed/added Recipes and/or configs:
Ender IO (Enable QED recipe back)
Thaumcraft(Added Thaumium recipe back)Quests
Are be reset because the sever crash all the time (sorry)
New Mod:
Binnie Patcher 1.6
Mod Upgrade:
AFSU 1.2.3a
Bee Specific 1.0.0
Brandons Core
Buildcraft 7.1.16
Buildcraft Compat 7.1.4
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2RC2
Extra Cells 2.3.9b189
GTNH Core Mod 1.1.30
Industrialcraft 2.2.817
Magic Bees 2.4.3
Nei Addons
Optifine HD UD3
SG Craft 1.11.0
Thaumic Energistics Recipes
Bibliocraft (adding recipe for Forestry4 wood back)
Extra Trees (add Fence, Doors adn Gate recipe Forestry 4 compatible)
Extra Utilities (fix thaumcraft recipes)
Forestry (Make all recipes Forestry 4 compatible thanks to lefty, rebalaced Proven Grafter,)
Gregtech/Extra Bees (Sapphire crafting fix)
GTNH Core Mod (Adding Thaumcraft Tab and move all custom researches to this tab, add Witchery Tab)
Storage Drawers (nerf all recipe from the mod thanks to lefty,)
Magic Bees (Fixed messed up recipes)
Minecraft (fix thaumcraft items)
Tinkers Construct (Change the Heart recipes a bit)
Warp Theory (Fix thaumcraft items, make Purifiation Talisman cheaper HV Age, )Code changes:
Draconic Evolution (adding recipe for Dezils Marshmallows Yea)
Gregtech (added Forestry 4 support for the Sqeezer and Centrifuge)
GTNH Core Mod (added Thaumcraft and Witchery Tab to the Thaumanomicum)Config added/changes:
Draconic Evolution (remove Dezils Marshmallows from Butcher trade OOOhhhh)
Forbidden magic/Bloodmagic (Fix potion id conflicts I:FeatherFall=114 to I:FeatherFall=135, I:Corrupting=71 to I:Corrupting=125) -
New Mod:
Avaritia 1.11
Mumble Link 4.1.1-2bMod Upgrade:
Autopackager 1.5.9a
Blood Arsenal 1.2-5
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2
Ender Core
Fastcraft 1.22
Flood Lights 1.1.1-124
Forbidden Magic 0.574
GraviSuite 2.0.67u
GT New Horizons CoreMod 1.1.33
Holo Inventory
Ic2 Nei Plugin 1.1.0
Industrialcraft 2.2.818
Iguana Tinker Tweaks 2.1.6
Open Printer
Storage Drawers 1.9.6
Tinkers Gregworks 1.0.11Changed/added Recipes
Avaritia (remove all recipes for now will be add later back)
Core Mod (Fix the GTNH Tab and add all recipe back)
Draconic Evolution (add missing core back will begin with recipes soon)
Forestry/biome o Plenty/Pams Harvestcraft (add many new honey wax and Comb recipes, Fix honey and for.honey issue)
Gregtech (remove all Dust and gem recipes out of Blocks (Shapeless), Fix Bronze recipes, adding old Fuel rod recipes back)
Thaumic Tinker (add all recipes back and nerf them)
Tinkers Construct (fix cobalt issue)Code changes:
Core Mod (adding bees centrifuge recipes to code and delete them out of Gendustry cfg, some name fixes, adding ichor Cap)
Gregtech (adding new Fluid Cans to GT Steel, Alu, StailessSteel, Titan, TungstenSteel, Chrome, Iridium, Osmium, Neutronium, add Draconium and Draconium Awakened to GT, Fix Rotors in assembler, )Config added/changes:
Gendustry (fix Bee Comb colors, remove some Centrifuge recipes, fix Ur Ghast Bees, Fix DNA and Protein recipes via cfg)
Ingame XML (change position to not overlap other Gui) -
New Mod:
Mod Upgrade:Brandons Core
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2b
Ender Core
Forge Multipart
GTNH Core Mod 1.1.35
HQM 4.4.4a
Modtweaker (Squeezer fix)
Open Modular Turrets ( now with eu support)
Storage Drawers 1.9.7
Thaumic Energistics
ThinkersGregworks 1.0.13 (now with Ticon upgrade compatibility)Changed/added Recipes:
Draconic Evolution (adding recipe for the Dislocator in the Avaritia table)
Extra Utilities (Change Bedrockium Ingots recipe using now the right UUMatter)
Jabba (Add assembler recipe for Barrels)
Project Red (Change Silicon Comboud recipe to not match with Redstone alloy in the mixer)
Thaumcraft (Fix tallow Candle Arcane Worktable recipe)
Thaumic Tinker (Change void material to Osmiridium)
Thinkers Construct (Cobalt Ingot again smeltable in the smeltery, adding new Fuels to the smeltery Hotcoolant (less efficient the lava) and pahoehoe lava (mare efficient then lava)Code changes:
Gregtech (Malachite change to Lv 1 because fit better in the Questbook, Fix Filter recipe using 30 EU, Fix Large Fluid Cells recycling recipe, Draconium add metal tag, try to fix the Opaque Block issue, fix custom ore mixes, unisulated Wires now paintable, Add new Tier to EBF 9000K for high Tier materials, Multismelter rebalanced, Draconium need now EBF Tier 4, add ebf heat capacity to gt scanner, change Efurnace recipe to not be same with Alloy smelter, Change Motor recipes using mx gt04 cables)
GTNH Core Mod (change Efurnace recipe to not be same with Alloy smelter, Change Motor recipes using mx gt04 cables)Config added/changes:
Galacticraft (remove GC Desh ore from the Mars)
Gregtech (adding new Desh Mix to Mars only) -
Hey I'm planning on starting a new game soon and was wondering if I could have the code or whatnot for this pack. Gregtech has always been one of my favorite mods so this pack just looks awesome!
Hey I'm planning on starting a new game soon and was wondering if I could have the code or whatnot for this pack. Gregtech has always been one of my favorite mods so this pack just looks awesome!
Send you a pm.
Can I get the pack so I can start playing on the PC server
New Mod:
Adventure Backpack 0.8e21
Architecturecraft 1.4.1
Bee better at Bees 0.3
Better Questing 1.0.92
Compact Kinetic Generators 1.0
Mine and Blade Battlegear 2
Questbook 1.1.0
RF Expansion 1.0.7
Standard Expansion 1.0.65
Tinkers Defense 1.2.1aRemove Mod:
Bee Specific 1.0
HQM 4.4.4Mod Upgrade:
Apple Core 1.3.1
Bibliocraft 1.11.5
Binnie Patcher 1.7
Back Pack Mod 2.2.1
Build Craft Compat 7.1.5
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2d
Ender Core
Extra Cells 2.3.10b190
Fastcraft 1.2.3
Galacticraft 460GS2.6compat
GTNH Core Mod 1.1.37
Jorneymaps 5.1.4p1
Open Eyes 0.7. snapshot 5
Open Modular Turrets
Rogue Like Dungeons 1.5.0b
SG Craft 1.11.2
Thaumic Energistics Recipes:
Adventure Backpack (change recipe)
Architecturecraft (change recipe)
Mine and Blade Battlegear 2 (change recipe)
Thaumcraft (remove us locolizer for the chinese guys)
Tinkers Defense (change Block recipes)Code changes:
Gregtech (corrected Motor recipe, Add Capes Thanks To Tec)
GT Core Mod (Adding Coins (the dark wizard, the technicain)
Tinkers Defense (Make the Mod Minetweaker compatible) -
Version 17.05.2016
Mod Upgrade:
Adventure Backpack 0.8e22 (better preformance)
Standard Expansion 1.0.68 (fix Party error)Version 18.05.2016
Mod Upgrade:
Standard Expansion 1.0.71 (fix Mob Hunt and meeting Quests)