Mod Downgrade:
Remote IO 2.4.0
We are on Ejin now with the Forum of the Modpack.
Mod Downgrade:
Remote IO 2.4.0
We are on Ejin now with the Forum of the Modpack.
this pack is a pretty nice cleanup of the fundamental flaws i've seen other packs have if you take out the quest mod being mandatory. however, the questing mod stands in front and therefore is a huge problem, so i am now going to harshly criticize it and provide a simple solution which i think follows suit with the original intentions of the author of this modpack.
the questing mod on this pack completely ruins the game and is some of the WORST game design i have ever seen. only play with it in if you're a retarded monkey who finds thrill in completing 10 million asinine repetitive tasks that the game forces you to do for no other reason than "xd"(all of which revolve around waiting and standing completely still, w0w what fun), not to mention making the actual game completely pointless because the quest book does shit like "here let's trade 10 woods for carrots bcuz i'm k000ll xDDD". i don't want you to give me the fucking carrots and tell me when i can use a stone pickaxe, i want to go out and get things myself and not have you make it impossible without your shitty book. it literally gives you the iron pickaxe head and there is no other way to make an iron tool.
it was bad enough how much time i had to waste crafting 40 of the same recipe with a bucket i had to put water back in EVERY TIME just to make grout. there is no rhyme or reason to this, but i did it. then when i realized that the quest didn't update my seared brick count when i had already made the sear bricks blocks and it literally wanted me to wait for all of my unfired bricks to smelt BEFORE starting to craft another 20 shitty bucket recipes one at a time so the mod can optimize how much time i waste in my life? ROFL. not even handicaps. couple this with the constant loss of hunger so you can't even go out and get materials without feeling punished for it through random debuffs(unless you farm, and be prepared to stand around for DAYS to get enough food to be able to go around, only to be crammed in your inventory at all times with books, "quest" materials and other garbage you're bound to pick up in a normal run of minecraft. did i mention they also force you to hold multiple food types as well? they justify this with an item called lunch bag, but the time wasted pulling things in and out is not worth the extra 2 inventory slots, there's so many random spawned food sources that you can spend less time by throwing your shit on the ground and eating them as you pick them up and picking your stuff back up after) and nonsensical monster spawn algorithms which expect you to fight back despite being stripped of all means to do so, AND the quests all revolve around standing still or getting blatantly lucky finding a specific stupid fucking animal or some shit(or else you can't do anything else). combine this all together and i guarantee you will be hospitalized for cancer within the week.
if you care that much about stone making progression too quick since you can get iron with it, remove vanilla stone tools(and i guess iron too) from the game completely, nerf a crafted flint pickaxe's durability, and make it so only tinker's flint pick can mine whatever pickaxe material will be able to mine iron(by the way, crafted flint pickaxe can mine coal which i assume is a major exploit at this point). also, NO MORE HAVING TO OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE THE CRAFTING TABLE TO CRAFT THE SAME EXACT SAME THING. nobody is going to hunt double the clay just to make more buckets so this mechanic is bearable(and nobody should have to either). there are ways to make things be the best way to do them without forcing the player to follow your stupid little idea of what the progression should be, and it's called doing it through the GAMEPLAY. when you put a quest in front saying "collect 128 clay" "collect 128 sand", nobody wants to do that because it's not their idea and they have no clue why they're doing it. this means not only forcing quests upon people is bad, but the quests themselves are designed bad. if you want players to enjoy collecting things for a quest, you should slap the coke oven blocks right on the front of the quest with a good reason to get them and it should be completely open to the player what order they decide to do things in(and be able to work towards multiple things at once). the quests follow the player's progression, not the other way around. you are not making it difficult by making me walk past sheep to find pigs and then going back to find and kill the sheep afterwards, you are making it: .
overall, don't take this in a bad light. i do think you guys have done a lot of positive work to create a real progression, you just need to patch up these holes to reach the peak of your pack.
Totally forget it
Version 01.12.2016
Mod Upgrade:
Adventurebackpack 0.9fbeta10
Backpack 2.2.3
Craft Tweake 3.0.12
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2j
Enhanced Loot Bags 1.0.1
Gravi Suite 2.0.67u1
GT New Horizons CoreMod 1.3.01
Inventory Tweaks 1.59.156
Open Security 1.0-97
Changed/added Recipes:
Biome o Plenty(Limestone recipe)
Jabba(Assembler Barrel fix)
Minecraft (Assembler Barrel fix, Trapdoor fix chet fix)
Open Blocks(Rope Ladder fix)
Code changes:
Core Mod(remove Tceti from Oregen because the planet crash, Another ways of making T1 EBF coils and fix tinny pipe rendering, Make ebf less annoying, Pipe fix, )
Gregtech(Fix tinny pipe/wire renderer and add reverse recipes for coils, Glue fixed, Naqudria MOX, Add 1G heat Cap and vent/exchanger vac freezer recipes, Set macerates into properly, )
Config changes:
Many Mods(Deactivated Update checker)
Fix a lot of Quests and add some new ones. Not rember all.
Hello, first I would just like to identify myself. I am a Moderator on the EU server for GTNH and have been playing with this modpack for a few months with at least a month of in-game play time.
In response to
Blinzer's last post:
I am not sure how far you actually got in the modpack, but the questing system is NOT required for player progression. If the player wants to figure out everything for themselves, they can choose to do that. The player does not have to depend on any of the rewards given by the quest book. In fact on the EU server alone there are a number of long time players who have never used the quest book.
Quotetell me when i can use a stone pickaxe
Why would you want to use vanilla tools when you have Tinker's Construct tools available to you? Also if you looked in NEI, you can clearly see in the tooltip for all the vanilla tools that "This tool cannot mine anything! It can only be used for crafting". So the answer for you is never. You can never use the stone pickaxe and hope to actually be able to mine with it.
Quoteonly play with it in if you're a retarded monkey who finds thrill in
completing 10 million asinine repetitive tasks that the game forces you
to do for no other reason than "xd"(all of which revolve around waiting
and standing completely still, w0w what fun), not to mention making the
actual game completely pointless because the quest book does shit like"here let's trade 10 woods for carrots bcuz i'm k000ll xDDD"
There are better ways to express your opinion than what you said here. Because you just insulted hundreds of people. And judging by all of your other posts on this forum alone, you do not seem to know how to convey constructive criticism without insulting people. Throughout your entire post on this thread, you did not once suggest any alternative way to setup quests. Ultimately you complained about having to craft something multiple times and that you can't use primitive vanilla tools and expanded it somehow to be three paragraphs long.
Now in terms of the order of the quests and the requirements for each: The quest book, especially for the first couple tiers, tells you to collect/craft whatever because those are the things you need to progress. Whether you follow the quest book or not, for example you are going to need to make torches, but to make torches you need a coke oven and there's a quest for that. But to make a coke oven you need clay and sand, so there is a quest for that too. Not only this but if you actually READ the quests' descriptions, they explain why you are collecting this stuff. Why do you need a coke oven? to make torches, so here's the required materials to make a coke oven.
Finally, I should address the belief that this modpack is just grind grind grind..
This modpack complicates all of the recipes. Not to force the player to get thousands of diamonds, iron, etc, but to use many different processes to craft something in order to progress. It is not grindy, it is just many more steps than normal. But what's important to note is that these extra steps are different from each other. Each requires a different process, different recipes, different machines. And maybe those other recipes/machines also require many steps and so on. The longevity of the modpack is massively increased by this but at the same time doesn't make you want to quit due to boredom or due to too many repetitive tasks.
This concept of many steps to finish something (instead of grind the same repetitive task over and over) also gives a great sense of accomplishment when you do finish something. Such as making the first rocket so you can access the Moon, often takes a single player weeks and the steps are spread over many different mods. But that moment when you finish the rocket, you feel great, you did it! And now you can experience a whole new set of challenges to overcome. Throughout the entire modpack, this is the same.
I implore everyone to at least try out this modpack. Get through the first few tiers of progression and then decide if you want to quit or continue. This especially goes out to those of you who find themselves finishing other modpacks in a matter of a week or two. If you stick with it, this modpack will give you months of enjoyment and fun.
If all else fails, if you don't like a specific aspect of the modpack, or if you run into any bugs/glitches, we are always welcome to suggestions and such on the Github repo.
QuoteThere are better ways to express your opinion than what you said here. Because you just insulted hundreds of people. And judging by all of your other posts on this forum alone, you do not seem to know how to convey constructive criticism without insulting people. Throughout your entire post on this thread, you did not once suggest any alternative way to setup quests. Ultimately you complained about having to craft something multiple times and that you can't use primitive vanilla tools and expanded it somehow to be three paragraphs long.
you're right about there being a way to say things and i can very easily criticize without shit talking, but life is just extremely boring if you don't heat up the discussion. you are living proof there is nothing wrong with that, since you addressed my points without falling into the trap. however, i did provide a solution to setting up quests better at the very end of my post:
Quoteif you want players to enjoy collecting things for a quest, you should slap the coke oven blocks right on the front of the quest with a good reason to get them and it should be completely open to the player what order they decide to do things in(and be able to work towards multiple things at once). the quests follow the player's progression, not the other way around. you are not making it difficult by making me walk past sheep to find pigs and then going back to find and kill the sheep afterwards.
i'll address what you said in order now, so let's start from the top.
QuoteI am not sure how far you actually got in the modpack, but the questing system is NOT required for player progression. If the player wants to figure out everything for themselves, they can choose to do that. The player does not have to depend on any of the rewards given by the quest book. In fact on the EU server alone there are a number of long time players who have never used the quest book.
prove it, by providing an example of how you get an iron pickaxe head without creeper bombing or exploring dungeons.
QuoteWhy would you want to use vanilla tools when you have Tinker's Construct tools available to you? Also if you looked in NEI, you can clearly see in the tooltip for all the vanilla tools that "This tool cannot mine anything! It can only be used for crafting". So the answer for you is never. You can never use the stone pickaxe and hope to actually be able to mine with it.
using basic tools is my speedrun strat to save a substantial amount of time on getting the mazebreaker in the twilight, which saves me hours in mining at the beginning of the game. because i saw i can craft it i assumed i could use it, and even after reading the red i assumed i would eventually be granted access to using it since the second layer of quests is labelled "THE STONE AGE". the option to make it should be removed if you can never use it at all. it's extremely misleading.
QuoteNow in terms of the order of the quests and the requirements for each: The quest book, especially for the first couple tiers, tells you to collect/craft whatever because those are the things you need to progress. Whether you follow the quest book or not, for example you are going to need to make torches, but to make torches you need a coke oven and there's a quest for that. But to make a coke oven you need clay and sand, so there is a quest for that too. Not only this but if you actually READ the quests' descriptions, they explain why you are collecting this stuff. Why do you need a coke oven? to make torches, so here's the required materials to make a coke oven.
to requote what i said at the end of my previous post, since it looks like you replied to it before i edited it:
Quoteif you want players to enjoy collecting things for a quest, you should slap the coke oven blocks right on the front of the quest with a good reason to get them and it should be completely open to the player what order they decide to do things in(and be able to work towards multiple things at once). the quests follow the player's progression, not the other way around. you are not making it difficult by making me walk past sheep to find pigs and then going back to find and kill the sheep afterwards.
nowhere in here does it give me a real reason to care about doing this quest. it just says i had this "vision" i never actually had and that it invented for me. do you think i even need torches after being able to live without them for 2 whole irl days because of how long the other quests made me run back and forth like a yoyo? you already had to find another workaround just to reach this point to begin with. and why the random vagueness if you're going to tell me literally right after in the next quest that it's for a coke oven? god, this is poorly designed. just slap the coke oven quest first and make other quests branch out of it or have them inside of it directly.
why can't i hunt sheep and pig at the same time? there's no reason for this, they're literally just put in a line instead of a branch for no reason. if you put them as branches, it would be less of a problem even if you had to hunt sheep pig AND cow. why does the game trade me 256 cobblestone for an iron pickaxe head? doesn't that completely defeat the purpose of the adventure since you should find the iron yourself? this quest does this multiple times and with broken english. the list goes on and on.
why the super darkness? you expect people to go out questing for all these different things but you have to dig a hole and wait for the night to pass for no reason at the beginning of the game. it's just waiting, nothing else. isn't buffed monsters and ridiculous hunger nerfs enough to discourage a player from travelling in the dark with the risk of losing what little they have? you can't even plot out a strategy to approach a dungeon or a cave because you can't see anything inside the cave. imagine if you're playing chess, but while you're playing chess you can't see how the field is shaped or where the enemy's pieces are. "ultra extreme hardcore chess, way more challenging than the original". does that sound like a good game to you? no, you're going to install xray and play the game without straining your eyes in real life to see what's going on. that's how you know a mod is good, because it actually manages to somehow damage you in real life and not just in the game.
graves mod and "ultra hard" in the same sentence? please. spider that explodes and kills you in one hit from FULL HP when you slay it(that was my first death in this modpack after 3 days of not dying)? must be good game design, the game kills you for doing what you were supposed to do. i'm scared to know what you think is not shit talking if this is just pointless ranting.
i can go on forever as i get through this, but i'll stop for now.
QuoteFinally, I should address the belief that this modpack is just grind grind grind..
no, i never said that. gathering resources is actually my specialty. i have never used quarries or other cheap methods of mining to get to fusion.
QuoteI implore everyone to at least try out this modpack.
i'm not shooting the modpack down, just identifying the problems not many people are capable of identifying. to those random players reading this, don't take it as "this modpack is shit". take it for what it is. i actually have more to say, but i'm not going to waste my time talking for people with closed ears so i'll see how this post does first.
prove it, by providing an example of how you get an iron pickaxe head without creeper bombing or exploring dungeons.
You can get iron by:
1) Placing torch bellow "iron gravel", it will drop down on torch and you can collect it and smelt it in furnace - easiest method.
2) Creating a bronze pickaxe in smeltery, leveling it up and mining iron ore.
3) Skipping bronze tools and creating alumite tools in smeltery instead. It requires aluminium, iron and obsidian. Aluminium is easy to find on the ground. Iron and obsidian cam be found in a workshop chest inside a village, which are pretty common (sometimes village will have as much as 3 workshops).
4) Exploring a lot, collecting iron stuff, such as rails, cauldrons, iron carts, iron armors and vanilla iron tools. Throw all that stuff in a smeltery and you will have a stack of iron without the need for tools that can mine iron. And you don't need to go to a dungeon to find iron stuff - villages and other worldgen structures on the ground will have them.
5) Zombies rarely drops iron ingots. You can create a trap by placing quicksand around a mob spawner - no technology required, but you need to land at least one hit for them to drop their rare loot IIRC. And it will probably require torches, which you can get by finding coal in a village.
Tip about early smeltery: find a village with unfinished smeltery. Collect it. Create a little bit of grout for smeltery controller, lava tank and sink. Place smeltery near lava - you will have to either dig underground, or perhaps a village will have some lava in a blacksmith house. Use clay bucket to transport lava - you will take a lot of damage, but since smeltery is close to lava it is doable.
When I play this pack I usually have alumite tools before I reach that quests that asks to trade 256 stones for iron pickaxe, lol
Is there any usage for experience points at the beginning of the game (before Tier3)?
Not so far I know. Open blocks elevator blocks using exp but I think that is on tier 3. suggest how we can use exp earlier and I could implement it.
Not so far I know. Open blocks elevator blocks using exp but I think that is on tier 3. suggest how we can use exp earlier and I could implement it.
The most needed things at the beginning of the game are food, extra inventory slots, torches and energy. So a machine (or repeatable quest) that can trade XP for those items is a good start. And this would make dungeon exploration viable early game strategy (unless it is intended as end game stuff).
For example:
2 level = 1 charcoal.
3 levels = 1 random food.
40+ level = some bag with extra inventory slots. Should not be easy to get and maybe only limited number of times.
Basically, once you have the technology to make those things then wasting XP on them would make little sense.
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Quoted from "DreamMasterXXL"
Not so far I know. Open blocks elevator blocks using exp but I think that is on tier 3. suggest how we can use exp earlier and I could implement it.
The most needed things at the beginning of the game are food, extra inventory slots, torches and energy. So a machine (or repeatable quest) that can trade XP for those items is a good start. And this would make dungeon exploration viable early game strategy (unless it is intended as end game stuff).
For example:
2 level = 1 charcoal.
3 levels = 1 random food.
40+ level = some bag with extra inventory slots. Should not be easy to get and maybe only limited number of times.
Basically, once you have the technology to make those things then wasting XP on them would make little sense.
The idea get single items like charcoal, food and maybe single dust or ingots are a Good idea. Get a bag only from xp isn't a good idea better get some leather or wool and cotton to make it.
Hi all! Love the modpack.. quick question: Gregtech sword isn't usable
in mount and blade bullseye - is this something I'm doing wrong or is
the MUD just not able to register it as a weapon?
The idea get single items like charcoal, food and maybe single dust or ingots are a Good idea. Get a bag only from xp isn't a good idea better get some leather or wool and cotton to make it.
Maybe true. I have suggested this because I reached lvl 70 before building electric blast furnace. Simply by farming cows, blue slimes (for resin production) and by burning items in a furnace. It was kind of disappointing to see all that xp with nothing to use it for. Until I died lol
Hey all,
First of all, really enjoying the modpack. Thanks for all your hard work.
I'm in a singleplayer world, and I'm having trouble finding veins. I have gone through 10+ caves, dug down to bedrock and then dug in one direction for 1000+ blocks at y-level 11, and still have not encountered a single vein of any kind, not even coal. I've found a few single small ore blocks, and got a bunch of ingots from loot chests, quests and etc but not enough to make a hammer, so I can't prospect yet. I know veins are supposed to be rare, I'm used to the idea from terrafirmacraft, but I'm beginning to worry if they exist at all, or whether I overlooked a config option or something?
I'm on the latest version (, singleplayer world (was created with "Realistic Alpha" world type).
Edit: Finally found my first vein; Oilsand. Meh. But right after that, I found a large cassiterite vein. And then I found another one. Still need to find copper.
There is a mining guide on my Server Webpage on Ejin. I am on the phone and post the link later. Strip mining not working with Gt generated ores.
Veins are not that rare:
Dig 2x1 holes straight down and use material that you mined to get back up. You can also use plants that act like ladders to get back up (if you have shears).
Place those holes at 40-50 blocks distance between each other.
Most of the time you will find an ore vein per hole you dug up.
Hey, I so far love the modpack you have created. However, I'm having trouble finding tin. I understand that typically it's hard to find and that there are methods to finding it. I have dug the 2x1 hole and searched for mountains 1000s of blocks away from by base and have yet to find any. I would really like to advance in this pack but so far all I have done is look for tin for days. I am wondering if there was a way to change the config to change generation back to the vanilla spawn system. IDK if it is an option to use custom ore generation to change it as i'm not sure if it would mess up the way you have certain ores spawn on different dimenstions.
You can find casseterite veins y55 wich is tin too. Not tin is a problem in this pack it is copper.
You can find casseterite veins y55 wich is tin too. Not tin is a problem in this pack it is copper.
The problem in this modpack is lead. Have found 8 copper veins and zero molybdenum viens in Nether. And vertical digging seems very hard because of all the lava.
Hey, I so far love the modpack you have created. However, I'm having trouble finding tin. I understand that typically it's hard to find and that there are methods to finding it. I have dug the 2x1 hole and searched for mountains 1000s of blocks away from by base and have yet to find any. I would really like to advance in this pack but so far all I have done is look for tin for days. I am wondering if there was a way to change the config to change generation back to the vanilla spawn system. IDK if it is an option to use custom ore generation to change it as i'm not sure if it would mess up the way you have certain ores spawn on different dimenstions.
You do not need to go to mountains. There is some sort of "Casseterite Sand" (with id = 937) that spawns at low height. If you look at WorldGeneration.cfg - it spawns at:
So you only need to dig like 10-20 blocks down (no point digging below y=50) and then try another spot 50 blocks away. You can find it very quickly this way.
QuoteSo you only need to dig like 10-20 blocks down (no point digging below y=50) and then try another spot 50 blocks away. You can find it very quickly this way.
Thanks for this. I will try again today with this.
Lead/Galana can be found in Twilight Forest. Not all Ore mixes spawns in the Overworld.