I wish there was another cropnalyzer in which you put your battery and scan crops in world, taking the same amount of energy as analyzing the crop as an item. Maybe this one would require an aactual cropnalyzer and an OD scanner, the recipe would be the same as the cropnalyzer but the glass would be replaced by the OD scanner and the circuit by the cropnalyzer.
In world Cropnalyzer
You mean like this addon: [IC2 1.109] SeedManager v3.0.2 - Taking the hassle out of agriculture.
I'm more fond of GregTech's scanner which printed a lovely wall-o-text alongside scanning the crop at any growth stage.
An advanced cropnalyzer like that would be really lovely.
You mean like this addon: [IC2 1.109] SeedManager v3.0.2 - Taking the hassle out of agriculture.
invultri, the admin of the server in which I'm playing, is actually unsatisfied with the amount of mods and wanted to have less at the beginning. Go ahead and ask him to install it on kirara, the gregtech hardmode server, I know how it'll end up and I know you won't do it, but if you do I hope you don't wish much results.
#SpwnX GT's scanner isn't easily accessible at the beginning, needs a CESU to charge it and if you're running out of a few generators you won't progress much.
It's also easier to ask for the IC2 devs to add such tool instead of waiting Greg to add his scanner back, by this time all my crops will be maxed out.
Also the OD scanner and the Cropnalyzer are LV stuff, meaning that one can access it to have more ease.
I don't care if it shows the nutrients, air quality, etc.. I just want it to say the stats of the crop that is growing.#Chocohead I don't see how your addon is similar to my request. This addon adds 2 machines, my request is one item to scan newly breeded crops in world.
I thought you meant a machine to act as a cropnalyser in the world, not a cropnalyser that can scan crops in the world.
What IC2 crops could've been: http://forum.feed-the-beast.co…s/1-7-10-agricraft.50964/
AgriCraft looks damn cool, but this is another mod working that way :
"Here's a picture of what you need. Go ahead and replicate this setup.". A few mods work this way too : Forestry, Buildcraft, Gendustry, Progressive automation, Big reactor..
Gregtech is more something alongside :
"Here's a gazillion machines, a few generators and a few ways to control everything. Have fun setting up a working farm that would power your base."
IC2 is, on the other hand :
The thing is, IC2 and GT have people who built working farms that other players can replicate.
It's different than a mod author giving a goal already, without letting others come up with a better way of doing stuff.
IMO starting crops with AgriCraft isn't going to be a lot of fun, because you know what you want and you've got pictures of what to get and how to get it.
It fits pretty well in some other modpacks though, like Regrowth, but I wouldn't like playing it on a regular map. -
Anybody else think I shouldn't fix Ztech so IC2 adds it?
Anybody else think I shouldn't fix Ztech so IC2 adds it?
You mean like this addon: [IC2 1.109] SeedManager v3.0.2 - Taking the hassle out of agriculture.
if your talking about fixing that addon.. FIX IT!!! i feel slightly overwhelmed at times trying to figure out what to plant