Guys, help. I am trying to make a Fusion Reactor Mark 3, but I can't make the transformers to work.

[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
Guys, help. I am trying to make a Fusion Reactor Mark 3, but I can't make the transformers to work.
The thing that sticks out to me is only having one HV transformer. Each transformer in that stack can take in up to 1 amp (EU packet per tick) of the higher voltage and output up to 4 amps of the lower voltage. So to get 24 amps of HV you would need 6 (24/4) HV transformers fed by no less than 2 EV transformers. There's room to be creative in transformer placement to minimize loss or material cost.
Edit: I read this setup wrong. You are charging up the reactor through steam not extracting energy. To get all of the power from those steam turbines there the same requirements are there (6 HV transformers and 2 EV transformers). The HV loss is the most extreme so do what you can to make the length an EU packet has to travel to get to a transformer. I'm a big fan of barrel style machine stacks (like four turbines feeding directly into one transformer with no wires). Also I'm sure you know but for fluid routing I suggest using shutters, plates, and pumps to keep all of the turbines fully fed (there are a few good youtube videos that explain the GT5 fluid pipe mechanics).
Note: Without turning the plasma into EU and feeding the dynamo hatches with it you'll find that the reaction is not sustainable and the reactor will quickly run out of power. Also since this is Mk III and I don't know the current fusion reactor overclocking logic it might be that D+He3 is not a sustainable reaction either. The furthest I got in a world was a sustained Be+D for a net energy gain of something like 160 kEU/t. it required a stupid big fare (like hundreds) of applied energistics matter condensers making matter balls to scrap, turn into UUM, and then Be.
Another ask - how many ways are to convert RF into IC2E/GT5U power? I have few things that finally producing a lot of RF power - Mostly RF dynamos from RotaryCraft powered by jet engines and few turbines from BigReactors; moreover wish to check Mekanism 8 later, but still cannot figure out other way than powercrystal's powerconverters, but they are become a bit unefficient over 8kV and barelly works at ZPM. UV is unavailable directly and i wish to have something as low laggy at it can. Any ideas?
And one more thing - diggin for microwave transimtter usage but found another interesting thing (its at page 133 or so about large gas turbine and biogas). The ask itself is: if i put a fluid regulator at hatch and connect it to fully pressurized thermal dynamic super-laminar fluiduct (wich has infinite throughput dependend at how much pumps enter) flow of fluid/gas will be still regulated or not?
Is any way to greatly speed up electric blast furnace, more than adding overclockers and exchanging coils? Its taking ages to smelt all that tungsten with HSS coils, and other stuff too. Any tweaker or something? Really, i wish to finally build that fusion reactor, but with that bottleneck all assembling will took place in next half of he year.
I cannot disable other mod's ore generation.
I'm installing
- Build Craft
- Ars Magica2
- Thinker's Construct
- Immersive Engineering
- Applied Energetics
- Thermal Expansion
- etc...!qsFzyC5R!8ba…IJcXuoQNHkeg7xkKjPTL3dixc
is curse forge mod pack I create to play.
And edit config, to disable all ore generation without Greg, AM2 and gravel ore of TC, like
How ever, I cannot disable ore generation.Do you have any idea to resolve? Or, do you know any more good place to post this question?
I cannot disable other mod's ore generation.
I'm installing
- Build Craft
- Ars Magica2
- Thinker's Construct
- Immersive Engineering
- Applied Energetics
- Thermal Expansion
- etc...!qsFzyC5R!8baNBbK4H6kiGsm2pFIJcXuoQNHkeg7xkKjPTL3dixc
is curse forge mod pack I create to play.
And edit config, to disable all ore generation without Greg, AM2 and gravel ore of TC, like
How ever, I cannot disable ore generation.Do you have any idea to resolve? Or, do you know any more good place to post this question?
I cannot disable other mod's ore generation.
I'm installing
- Build Craft
- Ars Magica2
- Thinker's Construct
- Immersive Engineering
- Applied Energetics
- Thermal Expansion
- etc...
key: !8baNBbK4H6kiGsm2pFIJcXuoQNHkeg7xkKjPTL3dixc
is curse forge mod pack I create to play.
And edit config, to disable all ore generation without Greg, AM2 and gravel ore of TC, like
How ever, I cannot disable ore generation.Do you have any idea to resolve? Or, do you know any more good place to post this question?
I cannot disable other mod's ore generation.
I'm installing
- Build Craft
- Ars Magica2
- Thinker's Construct
- Immersive Engineering
- Applied Energetics
- Thermal Expansion
- etc...
key: !8baNBbK4H6kiGsm2pFIJcXuoQNHkeg7xkKjPTL3dixc
is curse forge mod pack I create to play.
And edit config, to disable all ore generation without Greg, AM2 and gravel ore of TC, like
How ever, I cannot disable ore generation.Do you have any idea to resolve? Or, do you know any more good place to post this question?
I cannot disable other mod's ore generation.
I'm installing
- Build Craft
- Ars Magica2
- Thinker's Construct
- Immersive Engineering
- Applied Energetics
- Thermal Expansion
- etc...
is curse forge mod pack I create to play.
And edit config, to disable all ore generation without Greg, AM2 and gravel ore of TC, like
How ever, I cannot disable ore generation.Do you have any idea to resolve? Or, do you know any more good place to post this question?
I cannot disable other mod's ore generation.
I'm installing
- Build Craft
- Ars Magica2
- Thinker's Construct
- Immersive Engineering
- Applied Energetics
- Thermal Expansion
- etc...
is curse forge mod pack I create to play.
And edit config, to disable all ore generation without Greg, AM2 and gravel ore of TC, like
How ever, I cannot disable ore generation.Do you have any idea to resolve? Or, do you know any more good place to post this question?
I cannot disable other mod's ore generation.
I'm installing
- Build Craft
- Ars Magica2
- Thinker's Construct
- Immersive Engineering
- Applied Energetics
- Thermal Expansion
- etc...
And edit config, to disable all ore generation without Greg, AM2 and gravel ore of TC,
How ever, I cannot disable ore generation.Do you have any idea to resolve? Or, do you know any more good place to post this question?
I cannot disable other mod's ore generation.
I'm installing
- Build Craft
- Ars Magica2
- Thinker's Construct
- Immersive Engineering
- Applied Energetics
- Thermal Expansion
- etc...
And edit config, to disable all ore generation without Greg, AM2 and gravel ore of TC
How ever, I cannot disable ore generation.Do you have any idea to resolve? Or, do you know any more good place to post this question?
I cannot disable other mod's ore generation.
And edit config, to disable all ore generation without Greg, AM2 and gravel ore of TC, like
How ever, I cannot disable ore generation.Do you have any idea to resolve? Or, do you know any more good place to post this question?
Against my better judgement, I'm firing up Gregtech 5u again. I'm stuck because it seems near impossible to get out of the steam age now.
Electronic circuits require coated circuit boards. Coated circuit boards require "wood planks" which are not wood planks as we know them. These generic wood planks can only be created from wood pulp. Wood pulp is not obtainable in the steam age.
Well not entirely, you can make it with a steam macerator - but that requires 2 diamonds. It's no longer possible to make industrial diamonds in the steam age, because the compressed coal ball now requires an assembler. Natural diamonds would work, but good luck finding those.
Honestly, the whole thing is really screwed in the head, it's so unreasonable. I'm tempted to use Minetweaker to create a recipe to make these generic "wood planks" from regular wood planks and a saw.
Against my better judgement, I'm firing up Gregtech 5u again. I'm stuck because it seems near impossible to get out of the steam age now.
Electronic circuits require coated circuit boards. Coated circuit boards require "wood planks" which are not wood planks as we know them. These generic wood planks can only be created from wood pulp. Wood pulp is not obtainable in the steam age.
Well not entirely, you can make it with a steam macerator - but that requires 2 diamonds. It's no longer possible to make industrial diamonds in the steam age, because the compressed coal ball now requires an assembler. Natural diamonds would work, but good luck finding those.
Honestly, the whole thing is really screwed in the head, it's so unreasonable. I'm tempted to use Minetweaker to create a recipe to make these generic "wood planks" from regular wood planks and a saw.
I really felt this. The quest for diamonds is a pure mine grind of no less than 12 hours. Also oils and plastics require large, complicated setups. I don't actually mind having to figure out the processing chains and building dedicated setups for them but it doesn't require much work in the way of rate matching or elegant design. I stopped before MV when I needed to make a second type of plastic that required a new processing setup. I just sort of lost interest because I've done this all so much before and it just felt like more of a grind now that I understood how everything worked. Automation does feel really good in 5u though and making a setup that saves manual labor pays off more now than ever.
Extending post with new things:
Another ask - how many ways are to convert RF into IC2E/GT5U power? I have few things that finally producing a lot of RF power - Mostly RF dynamos from RotaryCraft powered by jet engines and few turbines from BigReactors; moreover wish to check Mekanism 8 later, but still cannot figure out other way than powercrystal's powerconverters, but they are become a bit unefficient over 8kV and barelly works at ZPM. UV is unavailable directly and i wish to have something as low laggy at it can. Any ideas?
And one more thing - diggin for microwave transimtter usage but found another interesting thing (its at page 133 or so about large gas turbine and biogas). The ask itself is: if i put a fluid regulator at hatch and connect it to fully pressurized thermal dynamic super-laminar fluiduct (wich has infinite throughput dependend at how much pumps enter) flow of fluid/gas will be still regulated or not?
Is any way to greatly speed up electric blast furnace, more than adding overclockers and exchanging coils? Its taking ages to smelt all that tungsten with HSS coils, and other stuff too. Any tweaker or something? Really, i wish to finally build that fusion reactor, but with that bottleneck all assembling will took place in next half of he year.
A. Is a way to speed up or incrase output of fusion? Im converting neodymium to europium - 16 mB of neodymium + 48 mB hydrogen -> 16 mB europium after ~4 sec at Mark I; using only two input hatches. Why it cannot be that if you use 8 hatches for one input and 8 for second output products shall be incrased?
B. In future relases there will be UV microwave transmitters? As for 5.09.31 it ends at ZPM. Or its intended to stack ZPM transmitters at ZPM/UV transfomers? And if yes, MAX voltage even has any sense then - converting from UV to/from MAX will need a lot of other stacking?
I ended up using Forestry’s Carpenter to convert wood into wood pulp. I feel like that’s a completely reasonable alternative. Making wood pulp should be a relatively easy, low-tech process, unlike ore maceration.
I powered the Carpenter with a windmill from Ancient Warfare, which felt rather thematic. A wind-powered sawmill, as it were.
RE: RF->Greg EU conversion - GT transformers will convert IC2 EU or RF into GT power. I’ve never done it because I was wary of balance issues. Mod authors vary wildly in how efficient they think power generation should be.
Case in point, I felt if I was going to do this again, I’d want a non-exploding steam boiler. Magneticraft has one, but the conversion rate is 1 charcoal = 8000 mb steam, which is about 16% of what you get from a GT high pressure coal boiler.
I’m grinding my way up to making a LV assembler so I can make industrial diamonds, which are required for a macerator and a lathe (and who knows what else, now).
I’m seriously thinking about shelving it, because I’m feeling somewhat bored. My motivation for returning is that I’m playing via a HTC Vive, and I’ve added Magneticraft purely for its conveyor system. I really want to play a VR version of Factorio, and this felt about as close it was going to get.
I’ve experimented with the Magneticraft conveyors in Creative, and they seem pretty nice. They’re bulkier than item pipes, but it’s much clearer exactly what’s going on, and they’re pretty fancy looking. I remember the last time I played I had some inconsistent item-pipe behavior which appeared to be due to timing issues. Having the items visibly move around, and get moved on/off the belt with inserters which can do some limited filtering should give me more interesting results.
The problem is, I’m not getting there anytime soon, and the amount of what feels like pure waiting is getting to me. Waiting for steel, and waiting for string, mostly. Diddling around waiting for a couple of bricked blast furnaces to turn out a usable amount of steel is dull. Somewhere around .28 the tin / red alloy cable recipes got changed to require string, and I underestimated just how much string I’d need. I’ve got cotton from Harvestcraft to provide string, but I now realize I proabably should have planted huge fields of the stuff.
The string requirement rather boggles me - what do people do if they don’t have Harvestcraft or something similar? Breed IC2 crops for flax? There’s no way you can reasonably farm spiders for the truckload lots of string you need. Building a centrifuge ate something like 40 string right there.
I’m also finding the other staple of Gregtech, searching for ore veins and tediously mining them out, to be really dull this time around.
Given the low traffic in this thread, I wonder if anyone is playing 5U anymore.
I'm waiting for GregTech CE to be buildable into a playable-in-survival-mode state, but as far as the string requirement for cables, I seem to recall that you can use a packager to bypass that. Or once you make your assembler, you should be able to use molten rubber.
However, I just loaded up a test world with 5.09.32pre4, and looking in NEI, I can't reproduce your claims about compressed coal balls requiring the assembler or the LV macerator and lathe needing industrial diamonds. Are you sure those aren't limitations imposed by your modpack, rather than GT5u itself?
I handled pre assembler wires with lots of sheep and macerators (and waiting). Sheep are easy to contain and breed. They are annoying to hear though.
I planted a ton of rubber trees as soon as I could and made large batches of materials. 5U's distinct flavor is in preserving sanity through large batches. The larger your batches can be the less time you will waste. The easier crafting chains in the past meant you could just do some on demand work. "Oh I need circuits for this machine, I'll just make some." No. In 5U you better have half a stack of circuits waiting and probably a few stacks of the circuit component materials at any given time. Bootstrapping LV machinery and materials is time consuming but by early MV it should be easy to make large quantities of what you need. I never progressed past MV before stopping but I see that it's possible. I might rebalance AE2 to only require LV because honestly managing automation without it gets out of hand very fast.
However, I just loaded up a test world with 5.09.32pre4, and looking in NEI, I can't reproduce your claims about compressed coal balls requiring the assembler or the LV macerator and lathe needing industrial diamonds. Are you sure those aren't limitations imposed by your modpack, rather than GT5u itself?
I’m not playing a mod pack. I’m playing GT5U 5.09.31, plus a grab bag of mods I added for various reasons. I haven’t looked at .32pre4, maybe the recipes are changed, but in 0.31, the lathe requires 1 diamond (industrial or natural), and the compressed coal ball can only be made in the assembler. You can make IC2 coal balls via the usual method, but you can’t compress them. That recipe has been disabled.
I was somewhat tempted to re-enable the IC2 compressed coal ball recipe via Minetweaker. I decided to tough that one out.
I’m not sure why you’re suprised the macerator requires diamonds. GT5U macerators (all flavors) have required diamonds for as long as I can recall. That the lathe now requires them was an unpleasant surprise.
I’m not sure where you get .32pre4, since you can’t download 5U from the original links anymore. My understanding was that Curse was the only host for it now. That’s where I got .31, and that’s the latest version mentioned in this thread. Maybe Blood Asp uploaded a GT New Horizons variant to Curse? Because I know that version has always had some screwy additional requirements.