New Version - 0.3.1
Renamed the Molecular Disassembling and Reassembling Item Dropping Thingamabob to Vajra (The MDaRIDT will return and it will get revenge).
The vajra now has fortune 3. (left click to apply fortune 3 | Right click to silk touch blocks).
Buffed the vajra's damage to 15.
Removed the glow effect from several tools.
[IC2 Exp][1.6.4|1.7.10] Gravisuite Reloaded
New Version - 0.4
Added the Big Mining Drill and the Big Diamond Drill. Drills that mine in a 3x3 area. -
can you add to Big Diamond Drill "fortune 3" or add the ability to enchant for "fortune 3"?.. and make craft more difficult... add boosters and chillers...
only 3x3 is a bit useless
Sorry, thanks)
i will add a big iridium drill but for now these drills are balance exactly to make people go for the iridium drill or vanilla tools for enchantments
big iridium drill... nice
It seems that the drills can break bedrocks
Also you are planning to add all stuff from the gravisuite in this mod?Edit: TC warded blocks can be broken by this too. Could you add some check for breakable blocks, also change breaking time according to block hardness?
Fixed version will be up soon. Breaking time depends on block hardness (compare breaking cobble to breaking obsidian) but it only takes into consideration the center block. I could make it so that blocks that are harder than the one in the center are not mined but it doesnt change much since they are harvastable anyway.
Have you added IC2 as a dependency, as it seems you can run the mod without it and get a weird crash rather than what'd you'd expect of Forge complaining it can't find any version of IC2.
I'll fix that too
You fix that with adding in the API classes you are using
New version is up. From now on you can get the latest builds on jenkins
The advanced jetpack and advanced nano chestplate have been added. Have fun
Jetpacks don't play sounds yet?
I left sounds and gui charge indication out for now. Will add it in the future
Awesome! downloading...
IC2 classic is now supported
That's always nice
=3 yeah it looks fine. But a little note estebes you do not need to split the loading area to if classic loaded classic items and else load Exp items (they are the same and do not require either IC2 Exp or Classic)
but i do not have your mindset in mind so. Lets see what happens. -
Since ic2 classic items will have their own implementation are stuff like the iridium drill will not be a part of ic2 classic i decided to split them. Its just a temporary thing until i found a really good solution.
ok. ^^" But IC2Classic API parts can be removed with @Optional since classic has his own ModID that is there when exp is loaded.