enchanting electric tools/armour
well it would be useful because tools and armor don't have "upgrades" such as machines, but it's yet to be seen. i'd recommend to make another machine that takes, let's say, 10 xp to make an "xp packet" and you use the "xp packet" in a crafting recipe to make tool upgrades. a lot of work, but would be nice! or you could just enchant them. But that one is more boring.
well it would be useful because tools and armor don't have "upgrades" such as machines, but it's yet to be seen. i'd recommend to make another machine that takes, let's say, 10 xp to make an "xp packet" and you use the "xp packet" in a crafting recipe to make tool upgrades. a lot of work, but would be nice! or you could just enchant them. But that one is more boring.
That is a nice idea actually, item upgrades. Well the drill does has upgrades in form of tiers, drill<diamond drill<iridium drill, but the rest don't. Also you might be interested in a mod named advanced enchanting table which allows you to select the enchantments you want (and it increases XP cost ofc) and let's your repair using XP only in the same enchanting table (an advanced one, the normal one is also available unchanged).
please, make a complex machine
running on plutonium
and matter
, and consuming a lot of xp on enchantments, but do not remove the possibility of enchantment
It already doesn't allow direct enchantment from the enchanting table for a reason. Enchantments screw up armour up to the point where things like Protection or Thorns can make it disappear when you're hit. I can't see why you'd want to enchant it anyway, because you're getting complete protection from the armour in the first place.
It already doesn't allow direct enchantment from the enchanting table for a reason. Enchantments screw up armour up to the point where things like Protection or Thorns can make it disappear when you're hit. I can't see why you'd want to enchant it anyway, because you're getting complete protection from the armour in the first place.
On a slightly related note, is this also why Nano-sabers do/used to do the same thing? Same type of interaction? I believe I remember reading somewhere that hitting someone with an activated nano-saber had the chance to destroy activated quantum/nano armor on SMP...
No, nano sabre interaction is totally different. The nano sabre just causes the amour to lose more EU when hit, enchantments change the metadata of the armour as that's how damage works in vanilla, but if that causes the metadata to drop below 1 the amour vanishes as the game sees it as breaking. Any normal, unenchanted armour disappearing in SMP is a seperate bug.
We could use xp to increase energy capacity on tools. it's useful and interesting, and something that hasn't been implemented and/or is similar.