Updating Save

  • Hello,
    I'm trying to update my IC2 from a version on 1.7.10 to a version on 1.8.9. I can get forge to start up the mod and minecraft but whenever I try to load an old world I get this error message: http://i.imgur.com/RgzjyVA.jpg
    I have no clue how to fix this. If I go into the world all the blocks are jumbled and all my items are different. Thanks in advance for the help. :)

  • Updateing a world from 1.7.10 to anything later with having IC2 installed is not possible.

    Ok Than Can you tell me net thing.
    If my item disappeared Ok - I'll craft tham once again.

    I want to just one thing it's to migrate the following items

    correr ore #231
    Tin ore #232
    Uranium ore# 233
    lead ore 234
    seringa (geveyya ??) seeds 241
    Number it's item Id.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Ok than.

    Can your answer fir the next question?
    As I don't want to begin new Game I just want to assign correct id to 4 Ic2 tems:
    All four ores id, and rubbrt tree seeds.

    Does it possible?
    Importing save fron 1.7.10 ic2 ecperimental to 1.8.9 every time causes different id's for all things.
    Everything I want - not to lose my resourses and don't change my minecraft ic2 homeplace.
    So I just want yo correctly export 4 imets between versions.

  • The block and item names changed. it is not possible to retain any IC2 blocks from Minecraft 1.7.10 to anything later.
    However, in 1.8.9 and later versions of IC2, IC2 has retrogen, so you can generate the ores (and the rubber trees) into the world, even after the world is generated...

    This is great news. As I'm newbie in 1.8.9 version. Can you give me the howto link about generating ores once again.
    That means that I'll be able to stay in my minecraft home.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Open the IC2 config file, turn on retrogen, startup your worls, enjoy.

    Ok. Please help.
    Here is required paragraph in config file (1.8.9):

    ; Enable generation of rubber trees in the world.
    rubberTree = true
    ; Enable generation of copper in the world.
    copperOre = true
    ; Enable generation of tin in the world.
    tinOre = true
    ; Enable generation of uranium in the world.
    uraniumOre = true
    ; Enable generation of Lead in the world.
    leadOre = true
    ; Factor scaling the IC2 ore generation quantity.
    oreDensityFactor = 1.0
    ; Factor scaling the IC2 tree generation quantity.
    treeDensityFactor = 1.0
    ; Maximum amount of chunks to check for retrogen viability each tick.

    ; Retrogen is the retroactive generation of terrain features, e.g. ores and trees.

    ; Set it to 0 to disable retrogen.

    ; When enabling this the recommended value is 16
    retrogenCheckLimit = 0
    ; Maximum amount of chunks to process for retrogen each tick.

    ; Values exceeding retrogenCheckLimit are being truncated.
    retrogenUpdateLimit = 2

    I guess I have to set retrogenCkeckLimit = 16.
    RetrogenUpdateLimit = 2.

    After enablenig retrogen Should I disable it after entering my world?
    What values are correct?
    What parameters I have to set?

    Thanks in advance.
    Your are ding great job =))

    • Official Post

    With it set to the following it should all work correctly.

    You can leave it on too, it will only regenerate a chunk once.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • With it set to the following it should all work correctly.

    You can leave it on too, it will only regenerate a chunk once.

    So, I'll set

    retrogenChecklimit = 16
    retrogenUpdatelimit = 2

    And after all it will work as desired.
    So may I set this paramenets and don't change in the future in my world?
    If I leave them everything will be ok, right?

    The last question is:
    When my world will generate IC2 Ores once again using retrogen, how it will works?
    IC2 Ores will be generated by replacing stone rocks or may be filling empty space?
    I''m trying to find out correct way for IC2 migration.

    That's the final questin that will allow me to begin perepare for mifration from ic2 1.7.10 to 1.8.9

    Thanks in advance.

    Plaing minecraft without IC2 is absolutely no joy for me :))
    Thanks guys for your work.

    • Official Post

    So may I set this paramenets and don't change in the future in my world?
    If I leave them everything will be ok, right?

    In future you can always set it back to 0 if all the chunks in your world have been retrogen'd. Shouldn't hurt leaving it at 16 though.

    When my world will generate IC2 Ores once again using retrogen, how it will works?
    IC2 Ores will be generated by replacing stone rocks or may be filling empty space?

    They'll replace only stone, just like the way it works generating a completely new chunk (you never see ores in gravel for example).

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Thanks guys a lot.

    Now I have a clue for migration between versions.
    I think, that having more than 500 diamonds 32000 ingots of Iron and other resourses, craft everything again will not be a problem.
    Thanks for your support.


    I'll turn retrogen on, and will not turn off in than.
    Thanks for explaining.