Add me to whitelist again please. I think u noticed how hard i wanted RP2 on this server

Server: Moderncraft [IndustrialCraft² + RedPower2]
Hope i added now the "old" ppl ;D
i´m playing Minecraft since November last year, and im very enthusiastic about Mods like BuildCraft, IndustrialCraft and GunMod.
I want to play with other people with the IndustrialCraft-Mod and found this server about my Friend Tobbler94who send you an application too.
Kind regards
I would play on your server cause i prefer 2 play with others (2 single player is boring 4 me
Furthermore, I play minecraft since 1 year, and i know how to act on a server.
I am thrilled by the complexity of Indsutrialcraft and would expand my knowledge about this mod on your server.
I'm from germany but I have knowledge of the english language.
I would be happy if u choose me.Keep it bowling
Tobbler94 -
u forgot me :((( ign:plaxina maybe cause of that xD
I'm still not re-listed ;[
IGN: ThunderHawk20
I will follow all rules and will respect all moderators and admins.
previoses server history: I have no greif history other than once, witch was by complete accedent. what happened in this greif was i lit my own fores and it spreaded, i DID try to get rid of the fire but my minecraft crashed so i have a record of greifing on that server in 1.5_1.
I would like to join because: I want to see other peoples cretions with this mod and see if i can get a little help in my own designs through that (other than videos that can range for 10 to 30 min)... not a very good reason but nether the less this is ONE of the many reasons i want to join this industrial craft server.
Look at the OP to see, who was newly added.
How come im not whitelisted?
IGN: ThunderHawk20 -
How come im not whitelisted?
IGN: ThunderHawk20QuoteFor those who doesnt get whitelisted with their first application, please edit your post with the application and make it better.
I have edited it to a longer point were i think you might accept.
kk welcome to moderncraft ;D
On this note, whether you let me in or not, could you please check my post again and respond with a definate yes or no?
Danke! -
Hey Feanturi
I would like to join this server as i've been looking for an Industrial craft server greifer free for a long time. And a server where we dont lose the world every update. XD. I've been playing minecraft for a year now and i recently learned of IC from my brother. I have never used redpower but i have read up a bit on it and i certainly like the stuff i've seen. I have played ic2 for a while now and would like to join a server where people are friendly and helpful to those who are still learning the basics.
May I be (re)whitelisted?
IGN penguin344
IGN: Pctr2142
I'm am interested in playing SMP with RP2 and IC2 and feel that this server would be enjoyable to play on. I have never been banned from a server before, nor have i ever griefed on a server. I've only had experience with bukkit based servers in the past, on several of which ive been a moderator. I've had plenty of experience with both RP2 and IC2 mods on SSP and have played with most of IC2 content. Looking forward to being whitelisted and playing in the future.
Another time
I dont know what the issue is, but whenever i enter the server minecraft crashes, worked fine until (I think) I was teleported into the town. All mods are installed correctly, dont know what is wrong. And im not getting a crash log file...
Add me to Whiteist please
IGN (account 1): Beefyx
IGN (account 2): speedo1Thank you!
Where are you supposed to be a griefer. xD
Anarchy servers...
5225225... Definetly not some kind of hacker name.
I was bored when I made the name. Did you know, it is the same forwards then it is backwards.
BTW, is there any way to multiquote without manually quoting 2 people, and merging the text?