Skipping the update tonight after I decided to add 20mm stationary cannons, AP in 7.62 for the m240 and SCAR-H and make some weaker guns have wood stocks instead of expensive carbon. I pretty much rebalanced half the parts and ammo in the process. I even added a bee gun! It shoots angry anti-matter bees that we will raise in forestry! Nicolas Cage grimmaces at the thought. Hopefully this will fix the issue of the M107 being the only gun worth using. Now it's only too bad I cant prevent vehicles from being broken by punches. That or turn off quant fast run. Rescheduling for tomorrow so I can take my time and test everything before setting it up.

G1R Warcraft: IC2, project red, guns, ICBM, gregtech & much more!
At 2 AM EST I am taking the server down for about an hour to do some backups and add/update a couple mods.
We will be adding the univeral electricty core mod basic components. We will also be add the mods fallencore and defence, both IC2 addons with some very nice features. The ICBM mod has been updated as well and now comes in 3 parts: explosion, contraption and sentry. We will get all three. The new automated sentries with ICBM's update are by far the best sentries I have seen yet and exactly the kind I have always wanted to have. We have also updated the portal mod and gregtech as those have added some very nice features recently.
Finally, I will be granting commanders iridium restone powers, which means that from now on only they will be able to place or break the stuff. I will be giving access to explosives back to militia and guerilla as they are stuck on New Terra anyway.
I have also done a complete overhaul of the IW gun pack. Everything has been rebalanced and there are now good reasons for players to use a diverse range of weapons. I have even added an entirely new gun: the deployable 20mm Cannon. This should be a weapon that makes quantum soldiers think twice about assaulting a fortified position head-on.
All the mod changes as well as the link to the new IW pack are listed in the opening post.
How about adding the Smart Moving Mod to the server's modpack? IMO it would fit perfectly in. The Modular Powersuits Addon and the thirst mod would fit in too.
As a Commandant of Red team, I hereby officially announce the move by Red to pay 200 points for the impending homeworld invasion of Blue to begin tomorrow.
Mens what did you do?????
WHY is the server down??
Why the server no up
Why the hell is the server down??????????
As the lord of blue we shall smash the reds on the bastion of our mighty walls
Why men's why
Is mens online? is server down for good or all day?
Mens please respond
The website is down, the PlanetMinecraft entry is gone, and the Facebook is deleted.
I think it's over, guys.
I hope it's not over - this is the best server i've ever been on!
perhaps hes just going to change the server and rename it, perhaps thats why the websites gone?
The web sites are removed as said above. WHYYYYYYY...... where is men's? was he arrested or something?
He wouldn't edit the plant mc and website at same time. they've all been removed. this is the last thing left of IW -
The website is down, the PlanetMinecraft entry is gone, and the Facebook is deleted.
I think it's over, guys.
I severely doubt that the server is going down for good, given that just yesterday I was working on a mod with captain_shadows ordered by Mens explicitly for use on this server. -
I'm just trying to be hopefull!
But isn't it weired that he would just close the server and delete thee websites without notice? -
Oh i just thought! What if the name industrial war was some sort of copyrite infringment? Then mens would have to take down the websites with the name in it? Just a thought...
Anyway, when did the server go down? And did the reds invade?
Server Went Down Last Night Round 11pm Has not been up since
A friend and I are scanning the internet for him. We are looking for any singes or reasons for his sudden server and website close.
IW Facebook - Removed
IW website - you can still view all pages however you must type them in the url bar. all button links but home page where removed and homepage cleared
IW on Planet Minecraft - Removed
IW Server listing on Minecraft-MP - Still online