So no weapons at all on Industrial War besides vMC and IC2 stuff? D: We need to find some good weapon mods that reliably and quickly update, STAT.

G1R Warcraft: IC2, project red, guns, ICBM, gregtech & much more!
The guns mods, which we're waiting for (flan's mods) will have Modern Weapons and Planes. The SMP version should be released soon. Until then, we just have IC2 NanoSabers and Bows. (I think..right?) Lol. Unless you include the nuclear weapons...
Flan is rewriting his mods and SDK tells everyone he will port to bukkit so no one else will do it (would be nice if someone would just do it anyway). Aside, everyone is starting from scratch and will probably take several weeks to build up something resembling an economy before we see weekly wars again. Also, chuckle I think I have seen you on the server maybe a total of 3-4 times. Do you play in the AM?
Kind of wish I had some person from another timezone to admin at night.
A series of Public service announcements:
1.) This just in, Flan seems to have found a higher priority task than SMP support! (This isn't meant as an insult to him, just as a trolling.)
2.) Tumuchfkingcreep and Misticblade7 have agreed to A TREATY.
Parties in accord: Misticblade7 and Tumuchfkingcreep, and subordinates.
Duration: "Until we have planes". This means that the treaty is valid until this server has Flan's Planes installed and significantly usable.
What the treaty entails: Neither team shall declare war against another for the duration. This includes any wars over towns or capitals. This does not include other sorts of organized conflicts, such as capturing and holding a neutral point, or any sort of warfare not involving towns or capitals.
What the treaty does not entail includes, but is not limited to: No theft of enemy possessions, no destruction of enemy holdings, no killing of enemy soldiers or livestock.
3.) Regarding the Blue team chain of command:
In order of authority:
iXiPulseiXi - MrCoolDude - mkeness
xXCresentXx - tacorifick - ndelmnco
Everybody elseEssentially, I'm also saying that Pulse, CoolDude, and mke are Blue's reps.
I will be on very little until next week, and I want to make sure everybody knows who is in charge in my stead.If I'm forgetting anybody, or somebody new comes up, the seven people mentioned above are the Blue Council. They get to decide who goes onto the lower tier of that list.
for a gun mod getting ww2 and modern weapons would be a good idea since ww2 has more accurate pistols and rockets and mounted guns
and modern weapons have far more accurate sub machine guns and assault rifles and has carriable machine guns but sdk probably has more accurate gun then modern weapons and has the utility's but I haven't tryed it yet -
You do realize that absolutely nothing would stop red from breaking said treaty and given that they are your sole enemy and have no interest in maintaining good relations with you this will most likely happen suddenly and without your input.
That being said isn't April fools day over?
Lol Pulse is infront of me.... soon he shall NOT! :3
Well due to school, work, gym, and my other crap I do not have much time in the day for video juegos especially to add all the mods to Minecraft and yada yada yada D:, I would like to resign my position of a blue team rep (maybe temporally?) in hopes that someone more active could receive the position and actually contribute to the...
You do realize that absolutely nothing would stop red from breaking said treaty and given that they are your sole enemy and have no interest in maintaining good relations with you this will most likely happen suddenly and without your input.
That being said isn't April fools day over?
I posted the details of the treaty so that certain members of blue won't say RED BREAK TREATY when they get killed. I do realize that the treaty is nothing but a combination of words. :p
for a gun mod getting ww2 and modern weapons would be a good idea since ww2 has more accurate pistols and rockets and mounted guns
and modern weapons have far more accurate sub machine guns and assault rifles and has carriable machine guns but sdk probably has more accurate gun then modern weapons and has the utility's but I haven't tryed it yetKeep in mind that certain statistics like accuracy, damage, etc. are all completely configurable. If we wanted to, we could have explosive Springfield rounds.
weee me cant connect to server again...
Its and its working. So I dont know what your talking about. Are you on 1.2.3?
Its and its working. So I dont know what your talking about. Are you on 1.2.3?
Yeah I saw that post this morning, opened up the game and saw that several people were on. I figured the rioters in Portugal or Spain had knocked out some fiber optic lines or something, didn't even dawn on me that he probably did not update. Sorry for not responding dimix. Check your mail.
1. nano armor depletes with one blow from the nano saber or pretty much any harmful weapon
2. jetpacks kill you better then a blue
3. re shit should probably not be obsidian in terms of destruction.
4. quantum? -
MrCoolDude, mrcooldoud, and xXCresentXx have been banned.
MrCoolDude illicitly accessed cresent's account several times, and chose to annoyingly avoid questioning. He then logged into mrcooldoud, and decided to troll me on that, when I simply wanted an explanation of why he went into cresent's account. I also banned cresent because I don't want any more hacking done to him. He can be unbanned when he posts on this forum that he changed his password, and either myself, tacorifick, or mkeness confirms that it is true.
MrCoolDude is encouraged to try testifying here.
I repeat, xXCresentXx will be unbanned when he posts that he has changed his password, and contacts myself, tacorifick, or mkeness on skype to confirm that.
Until this is settled, I would like tacorifick to have rep priveleges. If all goes well, though, he will be replaced with xXCresentXx on his return.
Along with that, wireless redstone seems to be buggy (perhaps an older version you have installed Mens?) or something...Dean researched it, gives us a bad packet id..I think it was 235. And yeah, haven't seen you on for a long time Mens, ingame that is.
Mining lasers apparently are useable too. (Both teams know this since I saw dean with one trying to burn me...) Lol. Come back on, theres tons for you to do. Hehe....
Uh, So how bout them canucks!?
Talk to me on skype if you want an answer
And The fourms hate my Editing D:
Uh, So how bout them canucks!?
Talk to me on skype if you want an answer
And The fourms hate my Editing D:
No, there will be no skype. You've committed a capital offense, and you can speak up here, where Mensrea can see every word and pass judgment.
He took mah solars, just getting them back
And i didnt even get them back, 3 circuits aint them solars
He took mah solars, just getting them back
And i didnt even get them back, 3 circuits aint them solars
Riiiiiight. And rather than saying something on the forums about him taking from you, you decide to log into his account. And then avoid answering questions about that.
You'll be off for a few days until Cresent comes on to tell his story.