I need a server, my brother wants me to play tekkit, i cant sink that low x.x

G1R Warcraft: IC2, project red, guns, ICBM, gregtech & much more!
I need a server, my brother wants me to play tekkit, i cant sink that low x.x
I agree, we should never put ourselves at that level -
I am very proud
, sorry it took so long for me to respond i'm currently in vacation in michigan so i'm typing this on my ps3
I am very proud
, sorry it took so long for me to respond i'm currently in vacation in michigan so i'm typing this on my ps3
Hooray! If only I would have thought of this while on this server or even the last version of this one when there were two double chests filled with melons -
so how is everyone? been a while, im acutally thinkin i miss the basement breeder reactors :\
Everyone is MEH :3
U -
V -
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S -
I can't connect to the server!
I can't connect to the server!
That's probably because you didn't read anything on the last 3 pages or so about this being down for the time being until a new host is found
If one is willing
can't we go server hunting together? i need to play some minecraft
can't we go server hunting together? i need to play some minecraft
well right now I'm on this one , mainly for pvp, although the whole losing everything on you when you die can be a bit annoying
I'm on this one, because my body isn't ready for pvp.
already crafted 10 stacks of hvs, come to believe.
already crafted 10 stacks of hvs, come to believe.
wat, so you are creating 6.5 uu-matter every second?