im the only one on and it's glitching up a storm. Can you rollback?

G1R Warcraft: IC2, project red, guns, ICBM, gregtech & much more!
yep the lagging ensued when i was mining and next thing you know im in fucking lava -_____-
Eyyy, yooo, ndel here. I bought a server for the purpose of restarting the traditional industrial war experience the other day, and it's all set for people to start playing. The ip is:
erryone is free to join, old and new. No whitelist, and some setup is still being handled, but tis functioning. You just need this modpack:… and you should be set. Cya soon.I am no longer AFK.
Yee mistic
ndel, can we get WRCBE?
I claim Red Team.
I claim Red Team.
Claim as in lead? Or as in conquer? -
Mother fuckin' Timetogo11...... -
It's back? Better get on ASAP. Glad I checked this forum again.
Time to sit back, brew some dragonblood, make machines, and get ready for war!
behold the soon to be gold base
Got on the server, evidently, no one plays in the USA East coast's morning.
Ahh! I get on ....and...why so empty?! :{ 0 People at 11:26 PM PST. Sad...Face.. Here.
So whats new? We got flans or guns or whaaat? :0
Edit so I dont "spam" : You guys better step up your damm game level...cause I'm here...and this time, I'm looking for everyone's blood(possibly).
After you let me use your machines..and tell me where your towns are...and you know.
You bribe me to join your town. I am...a weapon(Or Im just getting very cocky from a few battles against the reds). Hehe...
"I claim Red Team." Lol..Mistic....
Ahh! I get on ....and...why so empty?! :{ 0 People at 11:26 PM PST. Sad...Face.. Here.
I feel your pain, just at another time. 9:00 AM EST to around Noon is near void of people.
EDIT: Also, do you know why my stacks of items keep randomly seperating as if they were different things? I can't stack most items that are the same exact thing such as bread or seeds or even wood (Same types of planks).
EDIT TWO: I think the seed bags are screwed up or something. I have harvested about 8 rounds of wheat from 8 crop sticks, and have not gotten one seed bag. Yes I am using the correct process of getting the bags.It ends up I just need to crossbreed... But, I can't make weed-EX since you cannot obtain spider eyes, thus crossbreeding has only worked 6% of the time so far. Weeds ruin the crossbreeder as soon as they spawn. Please have spider eyes obtainable in some way.
Ready..for war..les do this thing! Lets do capture the minerals depot/mine!
<333333 -
How about you use the unoffical SDK's gun mod, and update to 1.2.5?
Nuclear student the main page is not the actual information, its updated to 1.2.5, and we are trying to update the main page.