So recently I've been cross breeding often and I just couldn't get the hang of some odd plants which I just couldn't find anywhere on the wiki. One was something starting with an S, which is I guess less important now. But currently I have a ''Plumbiscus'' growing from cross-breeding nether warts. Can someone actually tell me what the hell that is, because I have never heard of that plant or seen it on thee wiki.

Cross-Breeding experts required.
Plumbiscus -> Plumbum = Lead.
It produces Lead.
The one starting with S was probably either Shining (produces silver) or Stagnium (produces tin). The only other crop that starts with S without addons is Stickreed, but that's mentioned on the Wiki already.
The one starting with S was probably either Shining (produces silver) or Stagnium (produces tin). The only other crop that starts with S without addons is Stickreed, but that's mentioned on the Wiki already.
Yeah it was Shining...would you, or someone else I guess, be so kind and put up a list if it ain't too long about metalic crossbreeds that aren't on the wiki page? There is no way I can guess which ore I need to use by simply reading the name and trying to find its origin
In JEI, and in the creative tab, it should show all the plants available.
any crop that breeds uranuim ? XD
Not with just IC2 afaik. GregTech 5.09.05 and above adds Reactoria for uranium, but GT is a large overhaul mod, so you might not consider it worth adding just for uranium crops. (plus it's only available for MC 1.7.10 and 1.10.2)