Q'bout crops

  • The Wiki has never listed all of the different crops you can crossbreed. It's supposed to be a secret!

    But if you really must know, take a look at the creative mode inventory. You can see all of the different type of crops by hovering over the seed bags in the IC2 tab.

    If you just want to know how many different types of crops, look in this spoiler:

    I don't know how many crops there are in Gregtech, the above only concerns vanilla IC2. But it is possible that Gregtech seed bags will show up in your creative inventory, too.


  • ummm.. ok btw can i get all of crops by cross breeding other crops??

  • ummm.. ok btw can i get all of crops by cross breeding other crops??

    Yes, you can get all of the crops through cross-breeding. If you start out with two wheat crops, and you cross-breed wheat enough times, you will eventually get a new crop. If you continue cross-breeding different combinations of crops you can eventually discover all of the types, even though you originally started with two vanilla wheat seeds.

    But personally I would recommend starting with sugarcane instead of wheat, because there are only three growth stages (compared to seven stages for wheat). That means less time to wait for it to grow.
