If you make an iron fencing pole, which appears to be the same block as the shaft inserted by the miner, and stand near it you take damage. This means that if you create a magnetizer based elevator you will take some damage on the way up. On the bright side, the damage is direct to health and so your armor isn't damaged.
Sound is EXCELLENT in quality and it is truly impressive to hear when you fire up a whole bank of machines. I commend the sound designer. However, it doesn't QUITE sync up all of the time. Sometimes sounds keep playing even when a machine has stopped, some sounds play even when you leave the server and go to the menu, and of course the mass fabricator always plays sound even when it is not receiving any new power.
I think it is really important that you fix this, because the sound even with the bugs is a huge part of the experience of Industrial Craft. I would suggest some kind of synchronization check where the server sends a packet with a checksum or a list of all of the sound effects that the client is supposed to be playing once every second or so.