Finally, ive made something good! Now i need to find or create good breeder...
Reactor designs 50eu+ only
Could someone explain to me the Efficiency thing? Whats the diff from say 2 3 4 5? Is 5 good or bad?
It's basically how many million EU you get from each uran element on average. A single one (or 10, as long as they don't connect) is eff 1.
Now, having multiple uran adjacent to each other make each produce more energy (one more million per)
So putting 4 uran in a square is 3 efficiency (1+2 mil Eu for each)
Too tired to explain better
Im not great at this but i made mine at 75 eu/t
Using the test.vendaria thing…CHCHCCHHCHHCHCUCCUCPCHHCP
there it is
if theres any problems tell me and ill try to fix themThat design wont work either, around tick 2000 you already lose your first coolant.
Hi there,
Here's my first design on nuclear reactors…CCCUCCCCHUHUHCUCCUCHCHCHC
I think that is a Mark III-ED, and obiously it needs water.
1.67 EfficiencyAt 67% of the cycle gets a 85% (8500) of the Coolant Cells & Dispersers.
At 79% you lose practically all the Coolant Cells and all dispersers (75% they are at 95% or more), few seconds later meltdown.
The temperature of the reactor it seems that is linked to the cycle, for example at 8200ticks the temperature is around 8200 too and growing.So the meltdown occurs at 2h and 5minutes of a total of 2h and 47 minutes that lasts the cycle.
I think this is a mark II-1. There are no components lost and there is only 1 heat until around 3300 ticks, then it goes up to and stays at 13 heat. It will eventually start going up continuously, but after all the uranium is used up you only lost about 8 coolant cells. It is efficiency 1. It is only 55 eu/t though.
Not the optimal design, but nice and simple/easy to remember:…CCCCCCCHUHHUHCUCCUCCHCCHC
Also 100 EU/t
Mark III, probably 5/1 H/C
so essentially 80EU/t on average
its 90 EU/t
and Mark III this time a 8/1 H/C (its lower efficiency produces less heat)I am sure that you can do me better here Desuman, go ahead!
I'm not into mk.3, sorry
Currently working on a weird 0-start breeder that will first spike up to over 9000 heat and then decline again, for best average temperature. Needless to say, it's quite complicated
Of you say a design Isn't working then PLEASE TEST IT OUT ON MINECRAFT FIRST not on some random site!! Only ingame if it doesn't work ingame then you can say something about it
I think this is a mark II-1. There are no components lost and there is only 1 heat until around 3300 ticks, then it goes up to and stays at 13 heat. It will eventually start going up continuously, but after all the uranium is used up you only lost about 8 coolant cells. It is efficiency 1. It is only 55 eu/t though.
Thats a total waste of coolants and uranium. For a 55 eu 6 chamber reactor its reasonable to expect it will not lose any components and have >2 efficienty else its crap
Here is my preferred reactor
Mark II
50 eu/t
Reaches about 6500 heat by the end of the cycle
3 chambered and fairly cheep to make!
I use this in game and it works great!
Just put your water source block 3 blocks above the reactor so it won't evaporate.
I got 3 of these next to each other, T shaped, just one block apart sharing some of the water blocks. -
Of you say a design Isn't working then PLEASE TEST IT OUT ON MINECRAFT FIRST not on some random site!! Only ingame if it doesn't work ingame then you can say something about it
Lemme explain why this won't work even without a need for testing in either the simulation nor in Minecraft itself.
Reactor design mark-?
Click here
EU/t = 150
heat: c.a +200
2 chambers
heat dispensers are ice
(ice can be made by compressing snow)
(snow can be made by compressing water cells)
Note: this design will be tested today I had no time to do so yet
The central Cooling Cells can only reduce their heat level by 1 per each tick. Each Cooling Cell here is gaining approximately 30 heat per each tick (4 heat/tick from each U. Cell*pulses of each U. Cell*# of U. Cells next to one C. Cell = 4*3*3 = 36). Every C. Cell besides those two will be gaining 12 heat/tick (4*1*3=12). As that stands, the reactor will melt many of the outer elements by around 800 ticks. Once the C. Cells have all gone by the wayside, the reactor will meltdown in just 36.9 ticks (270+ heat excess).
This reactor would require an excessive amount of ice in order to even hope of running without massively failing (you'd need approx. 12400 Ice blocks to keep it from exploding after the C. Cells have all popped (probably more though... try around 13500). It'd be a huge undertaking to make a system that could produce the ice necessary to keep the reactor from heating up.
Edit: Tested in the sim and the reactor makes to around 530 ticks before it loses most of the C. Cells and builds up reactor heat alarmingly fast (239 excess heat). By the time the rest of the C. Cells have popped, the reactor has over 100k in heat.
I'm not into mk.3, sorry
Currently working on a weird 0-start breeder that will first spike up to over 9000 heat and then decline again, for best average temperature. Needless to say, it's quite complicated
Got any preliminary designs? I was trying to make something similar to this, but it keeps blowing up on me.
I have, however, figured out a way to keep a reactor at temperature while it's idling. I've used some pistons to shut off water and add lava while it's off, and remove the coolant cells. It's not 0 work (removing coolant is just shift clicking the cells though), but it's much better than heating the thing up each time, which requires a fair amount babysitting. Or lava buckets.
Will only refine 2 isos per uran (as opposed to 8 per 1 max for a "normal breeder) but requires 0 babysitting. Drop in uran and isos, come back and empty it, chill for some hour, rinse and repeat
Edit: Hasn't tested it ingame, but I trust the sim
Lemme explain why this won't work even without a need for testing in either the simulation nor in Minecraft itself.
The central Cooling Cells can only reduce their heat level by 1 per each tick. Each Cooling Cell here is gaining approximately 30 heat per each tick (4 heat/tick from each U. Cell*pulses of each U. Cell*# of U. Cells next to one C. Cell = 4*3*3 = 36). Every C. Cell besides those two will be gaining 12 heat/tick (4*1*3=12). As that stands, the reactor will melt many of the outer elements by around 800 ticks. Once the C. Cells have all gone by the wayside, the reactor will meltdown in just 36.9 ticks (270+ heat excess).
This reactor would require an excessive amount of ice in order to even hope of running without massively failing (you'd need approx. 12400 Ice blocks to keep it from exploding after the C. Cells have all popped (probably more though... try around 13500). It'd be a huge undertaking to make a system that could produce the ice necessary to keep the reactor from heating up.
Edit: Tested in the sim and the reactor makes to around 530 ticks before it loses most of the C. Cells and builds up reactor heat alarmingly fast (239 excess heat). By the time the rest of the C. Cells have popped, the reactor has over 100k in heat.
That design isn't great but for example I made a design, on the site it said +10-20 heat or so and 50eu, in the game it was 0-5 heat (for cells) and 80eu/t what I'm trying to say is that the site isn't always correct
That design isn't great but for example I made a design, on the site it said +10-20 heat or so and 50eu, in the game it was 0-5 heat (for cells) and 80eu/t what I'm trying to say is that the site isn't always correctThing is you have to adjust for the fact that it just shows the calculation for the entire heat from all the cooling and heating at the same time (but the actual simulation runs on calculation done by the tick, not just a guess based on the overall heat calculation). Everything before my little edit was actually just manual calculation on my part. While no simulation is perfect, the site's simulation is a good enough one that it can be used quite effectively for out of game testing.
As for the heat increase, you have to divide it by number of heat-storing components (HDs and coolants) + 1 for the reactor it self. So 100 heat/tick on a reactor with 49 such components will actually only cause a heating of 2/t (100/50)
Edit: So your reactor would heat up about 10 heat per tick: 195/(18+1) = 10,263...
Edit2: Also the eu/t value would be incredibly hard NOT to calculate right, given how simple it is... It does get cooling wrong though, saying coolants not connected to HDs or uran still cools (they don't)
If you are running Redstone Power PR2b (and there is no legitimate or good reason not to be running it; it has no crash bugs and is rock solid and enormously expands the game) then you can do this design : http://forum.industrial-craft.…age=Thread&threadID=2049&
There's really no competition here. I have one running at 260 EU/second with an efficiency of 3.71. Don't believe me? Log in to my server and see for yourself. (see