Best Efficiency Mark-I reactor contest

  • So i've been having a bit of trouble making a decent Mark-I reactor. So i'm holding a context (if this is against forum rules, i apologize and feel free to delete this thread.)
    I will make a custom (standard resolution) texture pack and/or character skin for whomever creates the most efficient Mark-I reactor. These will be yours to distribute, keep, modify, or however you see fit. However, i reserve the right to use any part of it as i see fit, and i will distribute one copy of the texture pack on these forums. (character skin will be entirely yours)

    must not use water buckets or ice
    must be able to run an infinite number of cycles unattended without exploding.
    If any parts melt down, must still be a mark I without that part.
    Operating temperature cannot be equal to or more than 50% maximum (8000 with 6 reactor chambers, +50 for each plate in the chamber)
    Design must be published on

    Same or similar designs (flipped, rotated 180) will go to whoever posted first.
    Ties in efficiency will be resolved by whichever design uses the least resources, defined at my discretion.


    PS: texture pack will include industrialcraft and (if you want) buildcraft textures to fit.

  • If this isn't against rules, I'm in, but keep in mind that no mark I reactor it's 3 or more on eficiency (without ice nor water, that is), so the contest will heavily rely on component usage, and it will be component ties for sure.

    EDIT: Meh, I gave up, this is the better you'll get and it's everywhere around the forum design

  • This contest.... unfortunately is pretty much already done. I haven't seen any better than a 2.33 Mark I reactor (and there are SEVERAL variants that can do it). A 2.5 would be a real challenge, if it's actually possible (maybe someone's done it, but I haven't seen it).

  • But why? I mean we can also make a rule against using coolants then right?

    The fact my reactor is so big is because it got 4 layers of reinforced stone to protect against a meltdown (which can happen if a nab decides to destroy the cooling system). Without the protection it would be really small.

  • You seem to misunderstand..

    The Op wanted a design that does not make use of them. So he asked for designs.. that Does not use them. Seeing as he is looking for something he is comfortable using and the best option that would be a valid plan. just saying.

  • This contest is pointless. Mark-I reactor has a maximum 2.33 efficiency and that's made several times. For efficiency of 2.5 is required to place four of uranium in a row. For this it is necessary to internally cooling the 39 heat. It is not possible to deploy HT and coolant cells for cooling that much heat.

    My best design with effeciency 2.5 is Mark II-E:…CCCHUCCHCCCCHCCCHCCCHCCCH
    This produce only 3 heat.

  • EDIT: Meh, I gave up, this is the better you'll get and it's everywhere around the forum design

    Woot! My design. Yay.

    Anyway, check my old post for why you can't do better than a 2.33 efficiency Mark I. The math shows it won't work. The next practical step up is a 2.5, and with all the heat it generates you can't cram enough cooling cells AND the HDs to distribute heat to them. Math says that a six-chamber, 2.5 leaves room enough for only 11 HDs in the entire design. Eleven HDs can distribute to at most 44 CCs, you need 39 CCs minimum, BUT you must sacrifice roughly 8 CCs worth to cool off the huge heat pulses from the uranium. So it's a no go.

  • Woot! My design. Yay.

    Well shit. Thanks anyways guys. And sumerled, since that design was yours and due to your very informative posts, you win the prize. E-mail me at and I'll throw together a compatibility pack for the texture pack of your choice. By which i mean i'll modify the ores and machines and items, aremo and such for buildcraft and industrialcraft so they look nice

  • But why? I mean we can also make a rule against using coolants then right?

    The fact my reactor is so big is because it got 4 layers of reinforced stone to protect against a meltdown (which can happen if a nab decides to destroy the cooling system). Without the protection it would be really small.

    will you please stop spamming your CASUC reactors everywhere it is NOT wanted?
    sorry but this is the 4th time you've done it and it aggravates me!