Suggestion: Power Divider

  • So, heres a device I'd love to see:

    Inverted switch cable/relay.

    That thingy could be the opposite of switch cables, making wiring to mashines a lot easier.
    The concept is this: Standart cable divides power in half if meet more than one way. But will melt if it is divided into more than 2 lanes.
    Swich cables can connect power from 4/5 lanes into single one.

    Aand... Inverted switch cable (power divider) would get energy from one side, and split it into 4/5 to each lane!

    Summary: If we can combine power from up to 5 lanes at once, why we cant split it into more than 2? (could udnerstand splitting onto 3...)
    Advantages: Less space-using machinery wired to mte's
    Disadvantages: More work on IC code

    Could be same as switch cable, but instead of lever, it would be redstone torch.

    • Official Post

    Cables will probably be recoded to allow "infinite" amount of splits (thus, at max 5).
    This way you can easyly split a cable into 5, wire 4 together with relays again, reaching a 20% - 80% split. I will consider adding a splitblock in the ² Update, though... the idea isn't entirely off.

  • Nice idea, and good to hear about the overhaul to the wiring. I've no desire to hijack a thread, but thought to keep similar ideas together.

    I have a similar idea: A block that could best be described as a combination between an MFE and a normal cable.

    Functionality I won't get hung up on geography, but I'll pick one just to explain the idea. Suppose that from its four sides, the block functions exactly as would a cable. However, either from the top or the bottom, it would function thusly: if there is a need on the other side of the cable, then it transmits an amount of current that would be set by EU Manipulator.

    Proposed Example Use A 5-block-long cable connected to multiple machines. Normally, the fifth machine would not have enough power to work. One splitter per machine could be configured to draw the 2-3 EUs necessary and no more, freeing the remainder to travel down the line. So instead of 64/32/16/4/2/1/0, the current in the line above the machines would be 64/61/58/55/52, assuming all the splitters were set to 3 EU.

    Second Example Use A line of cable from a generator plant. The output from each splitter could be wired to MFE/MFSUs in parallel. As each storage-unit filled up, there would be no draw from the splitter, and the full current would pass on from the splitter to the next splitter. Same amount of storage as in series, but the output from the entire thing could be redstone-set to be stronger than just 64 EUs. The first MFE would overflow and transmit if there were to be wired in parallel normally. Generally, the advantages of a parallel storage array without having the MFEs transmit overflow current. Naturally, the dangers of HV might apply if one went overboard here, but in contrast to just using HV, one could wire luminators to this sub-HV current - like an obelisk of them from ground to build-limit. :D

  • According to cables, shouldnt there be multi colored cable? (yes i saw somewhere on this forum) this will resolve some problems. Red transmit to red etc.
    Is it possible to place 4 cables in one block? ( i don't mean Óbercables 1m X 1m x 1m) just something like redstone?