[Addon v1.112]BioMaterialsv3.2.0

  • I know that 16 stacks may seem a bit much but have you ever made a 64 cactus a minute automatic farm? Ya, 16 minutes for a Industrial Diamond...

    If you use it just make a average size sugar cane farm, it not hard and you get alot of sugarcane.

    I will probably look into making a config file in the next update for how much plant stuffs is needed.

  • @Zodiak69
    IF you take into account that coal is NON-renewable source AND you can make enourmous cacti/reed/other kind of farms , fully automated, capable of spitting this is mere minutes, you wont think this is extremly expencive
    Making diamond in MassFab(energy can be renewable so i'm comparing this addon with this method) is 9 mil , 2.250 mil with scrap ( which takes also about 5 stacks of scrap which equals about 40 stacks of raw biomass/cobble/etc which equals 2560 items)
    so... what's cheaper?
    1024 organic + less than 10k energy costs + 8 bones OR 2.25 mil energy + 2560 anystuff ?

    Great man! gonna test it right away! ^^
    Edit: well, it works on my server; 1st stage of testing passed :D

    Ever notice when forums have a suggestion board, there's a small group of idiots who just hang around that little forum section? Yeah, I'm one of those guys. (c) by That one guy

  • Tehftw here, problems ithcpassword on my mobile ps its truth.

    Waaaay too imba, you can't make it useful and balanced.

    BTW charcoal dust addon is no longer worked on, but I'm trying to make new version, however I hardly have time to use my computer, ans it's even harder to programm :p (actually I have addon prepared but there is a fatal error I'm trying to fix).

  • still, it's pretty same in difficulty to making scrap boxes, just you dont get any other stuff, just diamonds

    Ever notice when forums have a suggestion board, there's a small group of idiots who just hang around that little forum section? Yeah, I'm one of those guys. (c) by That one guy

  • Yeah IMHO 16 Times is fairly balanced since it is very easy to get to the stacks in seconds stage with automated farms even with Bare minecraft mechanics
    personally I wont be using this mod but It is a job well done keep it up :thumbup:

  • I think there should be a cooking process before the final compression. (because compressing that stuff into diamonds does not make much sense.)

    This makes some sense, considering diamonds are a "pure" carbon structure, heating in a furnace could burn away any impurities, then the compression stage.

  • @Zodiak69
    IF you take into account that coal is NON-renewable source AND you can make enourmous cacti/reed/other kind of farms , fully automated, capable of spitting this is mere minutes, you wont think this is extremly expencive
    Making diamond in MassFab(energy can be renewable so i'm comparing this addon with this method) is 9 mil , 2.250 mil with scrap ( which takes also about 5 stacks of scrap which equals about 40 stacks of raw biomass/cobble/etc which equals 2560 items)
    so... what's cheaper?
    1024 organic + less than 10k energy costs + 8 bones OR 2.25 mil energy + 2560 anystuff ?

    You forgot Scrap boxes.
    25 scrap boxes = 1 diamond on average. (4%) chance.
    25 scrap boxes = 225 scrap
    225 scrap = 1800 anystuff

    Never, ever, ever Matter gen diamonds if you are scrap boosting. It is cheaper to make scrap boxes. Also you get a ton of other useful items and you don't waste 2.25 mil energy. Overall scrapboxes are a far more economical way of making diamonds if you have any mods that let you automate a cobble farm (BC or RP2).But then I guess you could (and perhaps should) consider that OP/cheating.

  • it is on average 2000 item/blocks because it's 1/8 chance of getting a scrap per item, biodiamonds take 1024 blocks, so much cheaper than scrapping for diamonds

    also there is now a config file so you can change the price of biodiamonds to up to 64 stacks each (4096)

  • I don't mind the cost in plants, but does it have to be bone? Can we get a non-monster animal item in there instead or at least an alternate (recipe uses bone or X, whatever x is) maybe eggs as a binding agent prior to cooking? bone would just introduce wierd calcium impurities anyway. maybe bonemeal just to fix the # of bones required to do this.

  • ive got a very small (6cacti, about 10x7x3 space) farm that outputs about a half stack an hour using a BC obsidian pipe for automatic collection, and its terribly in-efficient, if I wanted I could make a farm to produce 20stacks an hour (yeah ive done it before*) paired with my mob farm (1 or 2 stacks of bone an hour) along with saplings I gather from cutting down trees (charcoal for my power-hungry factory) I could easily make 2diamonds an hour.

    side note: I use BC, IC2** and redpower2, using 3cobblegens and 6 recyclers that run off of 12 solar panels AUTOMATICALLY!
    (1-cobblestone goes to recyclers 2-recyclers recycle 3-scrap is brought to auto-craft tables 4-scrap boxes go to dispenser 5- dispenser fires boxes, opening them, 5- obsidian pipes catch objects and route them thru diamond pipes to seperate chests*** 6- profit)

    *sadly I got kicked from that server for griefing with cati everywhere :3
    **I made a few tweaks to the code so that machines would put items in the right slots when using BC (not releasing it)
    ***golden helmets are spit out into a pit of lava :thumbup: