plz give me the link so I can put it on the thread, also make sure to have a link on your thread back to here

[Addon v1.112]BioMaterialsv3.2.0
Attached is a bukkit port of this mod. Very simple to do- just the package rename is all that's needed.
I really don't find this too expensive...
Mostly because we took our sugar cane and put along the whole coast near our house. its manual, but one harvest can get like 8 stacks.Pics soon
The farm
P.S. On my picture taking I found a skeleton jockey! -
This addon is a great idea, but I'm wondering why you use Modloader to add in the sprites when you can use Minecraft Forge, like how IC2 does now.
I used modloader because it is easier if there are not very many item/blocks you are adding in, IC2 uses minecraftforge because it has tons of blocks/items
I have one*And only one!* complaint about this.
Does doing it with MC Forge make it so you can use texture packs to change it (Like IC2) -
yes any mod you can change the textures on all you have to do is find out where they store the textures ( Biodiamonds' is in /gui/mod_Biodiamonds/ )
excellent idea i will implement it into the next version of biodiamonds tomorrow
Hey thanks for using my idea! (yeah I know it happened two updates ago but I did not see it.) I have tons of add on ideas (and I am trying to teach myself java to make these ideas real) so I would really love to do some kind of super colaboration addon of eternal awesomeness or something together. (do you have any suggestions to help me learn java? I have not found anything good to help me learn it.)
lol this could get long so I going to PM you
lol this could get long so I going to PM you
Thanks! I'll read it right away! About those people who don't want to get that many bones to make bio-diamonds (it's only like 8 for one diamond, if you have EE, a mob trap, or the peaceful pack, it really is not that hard to get bones. Or you could just wait for the sun to rise up and tons of skeletons would die outside your house.) how about instead of an alternate brick recipe (which I don't think would make much sense because what do bricks have to do with carbon?) you use bone meal or sugar. That would mean a lot less bones or no bones at all. (although those might be too inexpensive, in my opinion the bone recipe is still the best.)
Thanks! I'll read it right away! About those people who don't want to get that many bones to make bio-diamonds (it's only like 8 for one diamond, if you have EE, a mob trap, or the peaceful pack, it really is not that hard to get bones. Or you could just wait for the sun to rise up and tons of skeletons would die outside your house.) how about instead of an alternate brick recipe (which I don't think would make much sense because what do bricks have to do with carbon?) you use bone meal or sugar. That would mean a lot less bones or no bones at all. (although those might be too inexpensive, in my opinion the bone recipe is still the best.)
I am also interested in the mod creating business. Not much of a creator.... i'm more into shaping and improving existing stuff but would love a starting point and some guidance!
I'll PM you
Could you please upgrade this? Thanks
working on it
working on it
you are the man!!!
I know I shouldn't really ask, but is there any chance of this being updated to work with IC 1.43 please?
After my game crashed, and ate my 1.0MC game, where I had finally amassed enough diamonds and UU matter to make myself two pieces of the Quantum armor, a diamond tipped mining drill and a lap pack, I think I am about ready to go with the BioDiamonds.
Diamonds are crazy hard to find in the game now. I have had two miners running, all around my house, in a 200 by 200 area, systematically gone over, and found maybe 20 diamonds in total after the mining were done. So BioDiamonds sounds mighty interesting now. With a bit of forestry thrown in, I might actually be able to do some of the fun stuff in the game, instead of just alt-tabbing out of the game, while I wait for the miners to come up, yet again, with no diamonds.
I look forward to the 1.43 compatible version, and will be downloading it the moment I see it posted.
working on it
Awesome news mate
Looking forward to having Bio Diamonds back in the 1.43!
back in action!
i ' m happy
to see you back in action
it has been a lifetime sentence you last post. Bytheway can you add the
= Bulk Recycler to your addons
, cause no one is updating it