[Addon 1.112] BuildCraft-IndustrialCraft Crossover Mod v2.0[SSP/SMP]

  • What you would have to do is take the oil materilizer textures and resize them to the size of the HD textures then copy them into the HD texture image, in the same row and column they are in, in my mods texture file. I think that will work, it's really not a supported feature while it's just a placeholder texture.

    Scooby-Do mystery solved. I discovered that somehow I pasted into the wrong row. As usual, another problem accounted for by user error. :S

    Now, if I can just figure out why my redstone transport pipes are invisible... :cursing:


    3x more coolant compared to a fuel burning combustion engine.

    It uses more EU.

    Yes it is for batteries, currently you can only use Tier 1 batteries (RE and such). I have to ask the IC2 team what their stance is on using crystals in machines. The code supports it but none of their machines use the crystals directly; you have to have a MFE or MFSU.

    Thanks, that's about what I thought. As for crystals, I know that the Advanced Miner that F4113nb34st did uses crystals - and it's one of the main mods I use. But for something like this, where a more widespread integration is desired and necessary, it would help to know what the "official" stance is.

    • Official Post

    OK, even that didn't work! This tells me it's looking somewhere else for the item textures - but I'm just a texture guy, not a coder - so I don't know how to "talk to" your mod and see where it's looking.
    From the texture sheet in your mod, it looks as if they should be on row 13, columns 1-3. All I can think of is that some other texture sheet elsewhere in my BC mods is overriding the main one and this - in which case I have a lot of pasting to do...
    [EDIT: Checked every mod folder that loads and replaced every block_textures and block_textures override with the file that has the image... still no luck. Even took out the bucket filler mod because it uses a file with the same name but its own proprietary textures which do not correspond to the normal sheet. No luck. Guess I'm going to have to accept an ugly purple oil mat if I want to use it... :( ]

    Might wanna count again there, its the 12th row.

  • Yeah, somehow I put them in the wrong place - I figured it out this morning.

    I'm STILL having an issue with Zeldo's redstone pipes - not sure why they are invisible to me, I'm apparently not the only one with the issue. I know it's not related to this mod, of course, but has anyone had that problem... and found a fix? It's not because of Optifine, I don't use that.

    • Official Post

    Yeah, somehow I put them in the wrong place - I figured it out this morning.

    I'm STILL having an issue with Zeldo's redstone pipes - not sure why they are invisible to me, I'm apparently not the only one with the issue. I know it's not related to this mod, of course, but has anyone had that problem... and found a fix? It's not because of Optifine, I don't use that.

    are they the same resolution as the HD texture pack you are using?

  • Heres a problem that I was mainly looking for a resolution to when downloading this mod.. BC waterproof pipes not connecting to Geothermal generators.

    But since this mod doesn't modify the geothermal generators how could you ever hope that this mod would solve your problems?

    And btw, an IC² miner+pump+OV scanner will harvest lava in a 9x9 cube until lava is gone and has the capability to feed that lava into lava cells. If that lava pool is say 5 tiles deep then that's 405 lava cells.
    Now let's assume you are (at the moment) running 10 geothermal generators... That's 11+ hours worth of non stop generator power! At a combined output rate of 100 EU/t.
    If you have another configuration then you do the math, either way. Finding a 9x9x5 cube of lava is easy, just go to the nether! Or just find one of the THOUSANDS of large lava pools at layers 5 to 16. You only have to do this once every 11 hours if you are indeed using power at a rate of 100 EU/t. (Mind you, 100 EU/t is enough to keep ~50 machines operational at any given time... For 11 hours, or 12 quarries running... for 11 hours.)

    And as if that wasn't enough... There is another mod out there (possibly on the BC forums) that allow you to make lava buckets from liquids in BC. Just set up a crafting chain to make lava cells and you can use your precious BC pump to pump lava. Though if i recall they lose you the bucket in the process...

    AAAAAAND, as if that wasn't enough... (GHEE, do your research)
    You can use combustion engines with lava though (unlike geothermal generators) they require coolant. And they unfortunately only produce at a rate of 2 EU/t

    Whatever method you chose (i prefer the miner+pump+OV scanner) you now have all the information you need to not assume that just because a mod makes it possible to convert IC2 energy to BC energy and back it also somehow magically allows you to use liquid pipes with generators.


    Yes i know i sound harsh but it is for the best as it also allowed me to post something constructive in the process. Otherwise i wouldn't have posted at all.

  • Last night I set up an iron engine burning magma powering one of your generators.At first I had them connected by 1 wooden and 2 golden pipes but I was only getting .8 EU/t but when I put the engine against the generator it produced 5 EU/t.Is the power supposed to drop off like that in pipes?

    • Official Post

    Last night I set up an iron engine burning magma powering one of your generators.At first I had them connected by 1 wooden and 2 golden pipes but I was only getting .8 EU/t but when I put the engine against the generator it produced 5 EU/t.Is the power supposed to drop off like that in pipes?

    Having a hard time following that sentence. The iron engine was producing .8 EU/t? Either way, there is a rounding error in BC energy pipes.

  • Having a hard time following that sentence. The iron engine was producing .8 EU/t? Either way, there is a rounding error in BC energy pipes.

    I meant that at first I had a wooden and two golden conductive pipes connecting a magma fueled iron engine to one of the petrol generators.The generator was putting out 0.8 EU/t that way.When I took out the pipes and put the engine next to the generator the generator put out 5EU/t.

    • Official Post

    I meant that at first I had a wooden and two golden conductive pipes connecting a magma fueled iron engine to one of the petrol generators.The generator was putting out 0.8 EU/t that way.When I took out the pipes and put the engine next to the generator the generator put out 5EU/t.

    Yeah, that's an issue with BC, it is said to be fixed in 3.0.x, I have not yet tried it.

  • are they the same resolution as the HD texture pack you are using?

    Yes, I know how to upscale and resize images to match the intended resolution. Zeldo seems to think it's got something to do with the BC code itself, and not his mod - which may or may not be the case, but I would think it would be an issue that affects everyone universally in that case. I'll keep trying different things in the meantime, I guess.

    • Official Post

    Yes, I know how to upscale and resize images to match the intended resolution. Zeldo seems to think it's got something to do with the BC code itself, and not his mod - which may or may not be the case, but I would think it would be an issue that affects everyone universally in that case. I'll keep trying different things in the meantime, I guess.

    it might be the HD texture pack overriding the way he implements his texture, if he is using a separate file.

  • I discovered something interesting - using PowerCrystals' Power Converters add-on and I put a petrochemical generator on top of my Energy Link - which was adjacent to the refinery. It appears to have taken fuel (or perhaps oil) directly from the refinery itself to fill its power gauge. The refinery and generator are not touching in any way (aside from both touching the energy link) and it's not next to a pipe.

    • Official Post

    I discovered something interesting - using PowerCrystals' Power Converters add-on and I put a petrochemical generator on top of my Energy Link - which was adjacent to the refinery. It appears to have taken fuel (or perhaps oil) directly from the refinery itself to fill its power gauge. The refinery and generator are not touching in any way (aside from both touching the energy link) and it's not next to a pipe.



    you should put the option to deactivate certain parts of your mod in the config file.

    such as?

  • Sorry - didn't think to take any while I had it deployed. :(
    It turns out it wasn't the "fuel" it was displaying (which would have been solid yellow if filled) but in that gauge was a bar that was red at the bottom and yellow at the top - not sure exactly what that indicates but it seemed like it was drawing power from the energy link. Once I added a bucket of fuel to the PetroGen, that bar was replaced by a bit of yellow and it began feeding power to the refinery (which went from blue to green).

    Part of it may have been due to an initial pipe routing error - the output pipe was oriented from my fuel storage tank to the refinery at first, and I did not discover this until one of the oil input reservoirs filled with yellow instead of black. The bad news was, that was 4 buckets of fuel lost and a refinery operating at 50% capacity until I picked it up. But that may have something to do with why it took fuel from the system rather than supplying power.

    If I can re-create they issue in the future, I'll provide screenshots. It will have to wait until I find another geyser or get to the point where I can make an OilFab or OilMat on this world.