Obsidian no longer usable for reactor designs?

  • I just tested my reactors with the new system, and I had an accident...
    Let me just say the reactor went poof, leaving just shards of the containment building behind... Now the thing is, the containment building was made out of Obsidian, and from past experiences I couldn't dent it with either explosions, not even the nuke.
    But now it disintegrated like cardboard and took a decent chunk of terrain with it.

    Do I really have no choice but to start building my reactors out of Bedrock?

  • I just tested my reactors with the new system, and I had an accident...
    Let me just say the reactor went poof, leaving just shards of the containment building behind... Now the thing is, the containment building was made out of Obsidian, and from past experiences I couldn't dent it with either explosions, not even the nuke.
    But now it disintegrated like cardboard and took a decent chunk of terrain with it.

    Do I really have no choice but to start building my reactors out of Bedrock?

    may I suggest using the "search" function first, this has been covered or at the very least noted before.

    known thing with IC2, obsidian's explosion resistance has been nerfed. Your supposed to use reinforced stone now. it'll take 3 layers to completely contain a nuke plant explosions.

  • Did try a search, didn't give and yields :P naturally I avoid forum search engines because they tend to never give any hits, so I gave Google a try.
    So Obsidian have been nerfed? Oh well, then I am safe...

    That means I will be transitioning to Bedrock now...

  • Did try a search, didn't give and yields :P naturally I avoid forum search engines because they tend to never give any hits, so I gave Google a try.
    So Obsidian have been nerfed? Oh well, then I am safe...

    That means I will be transitioning to Bedrock now...

    so your going to "transition" to cheating? Reinforced Stone isn't that expensive relatively.

  • Well I am forced to, Reinforced stone has a very low blast resistance, it may absorb it and get destroyed but it is still too costly compared to Obsidian, luckingly, I got a nice source for bedrock, but I have to cheat to remove it if I misplace it though.
    It is also the solution for my present power plants as well.

  • Well I am forced to, Reinforced stone has a very low blast resistance, it may absorb it and get destroyed but it is still too costly compared to Obsidian, luckingly, I got a nice source for bedrock, but I have to cheat to remove it if I misplace it though.
    It is also the solution for my present power plants as well.

    "Foced to?" nobody's forcing you to cheat for a reactor. I've got a nice Mark I reactor happily clicking along just fine for quite a while now. Only have 1 layer of reinforced stone for it but it's not really necessary. (course I also have it way in the distance connected via a MFE chain and diamond cable) Not one bang yet.
    If you want to avoid cheating than just step things up to EV and build the reactor way off in the distance.

  • If you want to avoid cheating, don't design reactors that will explode. I use one layer of reinforced stone for mine, it's mostly just decorative. Those cubes of brown (or black, in the Sphax textures I'm using) look pretty cool.

  • My old reactors in the power plant haven't had a single accident, those that blew by accident was during testing in a different world, and some deliberatly to test the new interface.
    But, the reason I do build them with the thought in mind, if they DO blow, I do not want to lose my old uranium feeding system (Broken by Notch) but more importantly, the wiring below.
    Presently I would have to kiss both of them goodbye, as well as the reactor building that also has some pixel art on it (Huge reactor building with over 26 reactors, I cannot extend it any further without getting into chunk loading issues :P
    And yes, I did use all of their power for something when I had to run the plant.

  • Note: 3 layers of RSTone is the theoretical maximum to absorb any explosion. For most (exspecially Mark I) reactors 1 layers is fully sufficient.

    Sorry, but WRONG
    I have blown a hole through 4 layers of Re stone granted then the explosion did not even have enough force to break dirt but 4 layers got blown through
    (reactor blast max set at 240)