IGN: Hugsim

I would like to join your server, because I feel a lot of the servers are pay to play, and others that aren't seem to be low quality, and according to my friend he says this server is good. My IGN is Wum7017, I really always enjoyed IC and IC2 because it had so many extra mechanics, and I have been using IC for a while, I agree and accept your rules. Thank you for reading this
I seem to be the only one on here anymore. Plus, no applications are being accepted. Is this server dead?
I have been playing around with IC2 for a while and i believe that i have a good understanding of it, but i am still willing to learn. I have read all the rules and will comply with them. My IGN is Aldrix.
Please and Thank You,
Aldrix -
i don't know about you guys but i think there are 2 groups of people. the people who didn't update and the people who didn't update to 1.0.0 and those who did.i am one who did and i regret it. if i hadn't i'd be playing a fun server with good people and a fun mod. instead because none of the mods are updated i get to sit here and be bored out of my mind by the lack of updated mods. then i had a great idea! i would use mcnostalgia, a program that un-updates minecraft, and then i could play all my mods! but sadly no it cannot be because mcnostalgia still hasn't updated to 1.0.0 yet GAHHHHH!!! anyway the moral of this story is that i think that is one of the reasons the server seems "dead". some of the people updated and the mod hasn't so a lot of people can't play.
p.s. i was looking at the icons and i saw these
rubber boots. what do these do? are they actually in the mod?
p.s. i was looking at the icons and i saw these
rubber boots. what do these do? are they actually in the mod?
They negate fall damage up to 10 blocks.
Ive read the rules and id like to try the server out!
PS. If the server is good then ill get ALL my friends to join!
Router is completely screwed up (won't support multiple connections!?!) so the server is practically dead, it's also the cause for the crippling lag. Also one certain person (not me!) has decided to play MW3 (that insanely expensive DLC for MW2) 24/7 which slows it down even more.
i really like this server, but i think with all the technical problems i will be taking an break of indefinite length. i'll keep an eye on this thread so i can see if they're fixed but in the mean time good luck with all your minecraft ventures.
i would like to join your server.
I want to play on this server because all IC2 servers are pay2play or something like that.
I have played IC2 before, i will not grief, troll, or hack.
I would be glad if you would add me to white-list.
My username is: virusek20 -
i really like this server, but i think with all the technical problems i will be taking an break of indefinite length. i'll keep an eye on this thread so i can see if they're fixed but in the mean time good luck with all your minecraft ventures.
I know, I am actually looking at switching to a new ISP that has lower pings and we had a guy come and do a test from the house and speedtest.net gave a symmetrical 20Megabit/second connection, so that looks like a good idea...I might just switch to a BC/IC2/*possibly RP2* server for my friends once IC2 is updated- you can join if you are interested. But sorry about the server falling... If anyone wants to try hosting I can send you the world files and stuff...
Hi man i would like to join the server. My name is Zedda and I am a great builder and a no griefing one
I just cant wait to play with you guys
Yo. can i be white-listed into the server? my nme as normancon, male, 16, canada yadayada. i usually don't grief :P. but ya, have always loved ic and ic2 and cant find a place with others...
i have read and accepted the rules and conditions i want to be whitelisted so i can play on a ic2 server i am a dedicated player i am admin on 2 servers and i am very friendly
it says that it cant reach your server is it down?
can i join your server ? i haven't ben on a IC2 server before id like to be on it
never been banned on a server also my in game name is ellsworthes, i've been playing IC when it came out
Could I be whitelisted?
The other non whitelist servers have buildcraft stuff I don't have
IGN: kenny6457
Also this is compatable with technic IC2 right? -
My brother and I would like to play on your server. We just installed IC2 and have been playing for a while. We do not grief and just like to have fun. User names; wegybros, cmmasterjohn
Thanks -
Whitelist Request:
How long have you owned Minecraft- 1 year
How much experience with IC2- Some
Ever been banned- Not that I am aware of
Reason for joining this server- I am/was looking for a good server with Ic2 to play on.IGN(username)- ScrawnyWarrior
Thank you thank you thank you.