Testing-Release IC² v1.32

    • Official Post


    Same stuff as of the other release apply.
    Please give the changelog a quick testing run, if everything works we can release it asap.

    Still need someone/thing to generate a recipe file, though.

    • Official Post

    To be honest, not my idea :3 Player suggested this and i couldn't find an argument against it :O

    ah awesome
    erm question... not sure what ive messed up here...

    and with only ic2 installed...


    • Official Post

    -Miner causing a crash upon hittin cables should be fixed now FIXED
    -Fixed a bug causing Solars not to produce energy properly FIXED
    -Fixed a bug with Painter going blank after 16 uses 32 USES CHECK
    -Fixed Batterys flickering when holding rightclick while pointing at blocks FIXED
    -Improved CF-Spraying algorythm to work better with Scaffolds LOOSE SCAFFOLDS? IF SO CHECK
    -Fixed rubber boots refilling themselves on occasion ERM NOT SURE... I DONT KNOW HOW TO RECREATE
    -Added a fix for Electric Blocks to never display an EU amount higher then their maximum
    -Fixed a bug causing QuantumHelmet to refill itself
    -Reduced the energy cost for QuantumHelmet food regeneration
    -Vastly increased the effectiveness of NanoSabre CHECK
    -Scaffolds were recoded with recursion to make them more CPU-efficient. This will most likely cause all currently existing scaffolds-constructs to break down, though.
    -Iridium Plating is now even more expensive, consisting of Iridium Ore and Alloy (I Ore can be obtained via UUM) CHECK
    -Added Lappack, an advanced Batpack CHECK BUT TOO CHEAP IMO
    -Mining Laser, Scanners and NanoSabre draw energy from Lappacks MONING LASER DOESNT,SABRE DOES,DRILL AND CHANISAW DOES,OD SCANNER DOES, OV DOESNT
    -CFPack recipe added, does now store up to 128 pellets.
    -Holding shift will prevent any sort of GUI from opening (means you can easier place stuff on machines) WORKS