It would be brill if there was a Stick Resin Extractor so that it is easier to have a fully automatic rubber farm. Hopefully usable with BuildCraft because you need so much rubber (P.S. This is one of the greatest Mods EVER!!!)
[Suggestion] A Sticky Resin Extractor
Like... The current extractor?
Or an upgraded one that works faster/better but only on Sticky Resin?
Like... The current extractor?
Or an upgraded one that works faster/better but only on Sticky Resin?
No what i mean is something that attaches to the tree and extracts resin as it grows and then when the tree has produced a certain amount of resin (if there is a limit if not there should be) then it collects the wood and saplings to plant more
No what i mean is something that attaches to the tree and extracts resin as it grows and then when the tree has produced a certain amount of resin (if there is a limit if not there should be) then it collects the wood and saplings to plant more
I wouldn't mind a block that extracts resin and deposits it in a near-by chest. Resin can repeatedly respawn if you don't spam-collect it and remove the resin hole.
Tree harvester seems pointless, considering the respawning. (And seems like more of a BC thing then an IC2 thing.)
I quess i am not the only one that thinks that this is a good idea!
If not for the ability to perma-drain sap-holes, Redpower Deployer would do quite well here, with a tree tap.
I imagine if you give it a sufficiently long period, then it will be unlikely to actually deplete the hole. -
What if it only sucks out 1-3 Resin per day? 1-3, being what you would get normally, but less often as it's automated (And less often to hopefully not totally drain it).
Would be awesome to have a Resin farm connected to a few BatBoxes, connected to some Solar Panels. Could be totally independent of your base if the Resin collector only uses a small amount of EU to stay active. And as it's automatic, you could collect a TON over a few Minecraft days, depending on how large your tree farm is.
Assuming you don't want to use RedPower with a deployer and a tree tap there are a few other options available to you...
- Using buildcraft you can place a filler with a clear recipe to clear a large forest of rubber trees. You get random amounts of resin when breaking rubber logs and you get the saplings too! You can automate the process (planting, clearing and replanting at set intervals) *
- Use another mod that allows you to put an item into a block that then acts (right clicks) in front of it.
- Forcefully grow your rubber trees so that all holes for resin is at ground level facing you and remove any parts of the tree that isn't at ground level and/or facing you. then just mass tap those trees whenever you pass them and you will have so much resin you won't have room for it anywhere.
* - To make an automated tree farm in BC you need to know a few things. First off, a filler with a clear recipe will reach a "done" state if all blocks in it's area is cleared, therefore ensure that it can be stopped somehow and have something fill the top layer with some block or drop sand on the trunk (highest part of a rubber tree) before the clearing happens then stop clearing once the sand starts dropping again.
There are many ways to solve it so that the filler doesn't reach a done state. A filler with a fill recipe will never reach a done state if you place an animal (wolf is suitable because he will sit still forever when ordered) in the way of the filler.
But really, the easiest way is to just install RedPower2 -
cadde : or you could just use redpower 2 to reset the filler by removing and re-adding a piece of glass to the top.
Personally, I think that it would be better just to have a giant rubber farm.
Personally, I think that it would be better just to have a giant rubber farm.
Thats the thing you could have a giant rubber tree farm but it would automated to make it faster
and better like Industrial Craft does
cadde : or you could just use redpower 2 to reset the filler by removing and re-adding a piece of glass to the top.
That doesn't sound like it's by design... I prefer not to cheat, for that i could just use TMI or /give.