If you try to setup array of MSFU for parallel attachment of machines (this allow to pass over 512 EU per frame for massfab) there is no viable way to distribute energy evenly between SMFU blocks, there is NO WAY to provide equal cable lenght for more then 2 MSFU if you try to attach them in line.
No matter how you setup cables, one of MSFU is always closer and recieve more energy then others.
MSFU (and any other energy storage) will not work well, since you also not able to distribute output evenly.
If machine require 50 EU and MSFU provide 512, it will drain 50 energy from closes MSFU and ignore any other MSFU in net.
Ever if cable lengh equal, always one of machine is "closer".
If you place T1machine-LV-MV-HV-MSFU it will still drain 32 EU, it wont wait for transformators full discharge to recieve full packet, this ruin most energy distribution schemes.
Adding any collector block (MSFU MSF, batbox) result in bottleneck and completely ruin entire setup.
same with powered transformators, they will bottleneck system (actually its possible to setup them "well" but it require hurge space to prevent bottlenecks)
I provide screenshots of setup that allow to transport 512 EU over copper wires (glass fiber is used actually to prevent losses, but this 32 eu)
MSFU array (4 MSFU, then 4 MV, then 4 LV everything in parralel) (on screens few transformers removed to show system).
Massfab attached before trans drain 2048 per frame, othem machines have 512 per frame max (allow hurge setup over single wire) (machines removed on screens).
Energyloss is problem for such setup but you have 18 long wire for machines, on screenshooted setup 36 machines allowed and they all will work fine.
unmodded vanilla 123 without addons (no other mods) (SMP)
ps. powered transformators buffer energy, but will bottleneck just like energy storage blocks and this is not fun at all.