Support Request: Taking products out of machines

  • Hi,
    I've set up a SMP server with my friends, with IndustrialCraft 1.337b and Buildcraft 2.2.5 on Minecraft 1.8.1. When I (the host) try to take out the macerated dusts from a macerator, the server crashes with this error code in the console:

    Note that if anyone else takes the dusts out of the macerator, the server just lags for a few seconds but keeps going. What's wrong?
    EDIT: It seems me and one friend can't take it out, but other two can take it out fine. I don't know what's wrong now. We all use the exact same jar (one of us modded it and sent it to others), and put mods in correctly, the same way :/
    EDIT2: This seems to now happen with products of all machines - the same happened with iron furnace making sticky resin into rubber or smelting iron.
    EDIT3: I copied my friend's config file. No effect. Tried deleting mod files and having them restore to default - no effect as well. It makes it unplayable :/

  • Oh wow, that really seems to be it. I thought I didn't shift-click before, seems I've been doing it all the time. I'm just really used to it. Thanks :)
    EDIT: I feel stupid now, I played this mod before and I forgot this basic rule :x

    • Official Post

    Oh wow, that really seems to be it. I thought I didn't shift-click before, seems I've been doing it all the time. I'm just really used to it. Thanks :)
    EDIT: I feel stupid now, I played this mod before and I forgot this basic rule :x

    Now, actually it's not some sort of intended rule, but a quite critical bug that refused to get itself fixed.