Config option for wrench failure

  • Perhaps it would be better to suggest an "improved wrench" that had a lower, or nonexistant failure chance. Maybe at least less often for more complex machines, or maybe even rather than just getting a machine upon failure, it "explodes into its component parts," so you can just rebuild it.

    *chuckles* It's the Radio-SUPER-active Wrench 5002! Watch as it disintegrates machines with amazing efficiency! And when we say disintegrate, we actually mean safely disassembles so you can reuse it later! But that's less exciting to say!


    U=uranium fuel ingot
    B= bronze
    A= Advanced Circuit

  • Heh heh heh, I like that. I must admit, I am really frustrated with the fact that almost every other dismount, I get a Machine.

  • I understand the logic of the failure chance, (stops you from moving the machines all over the place, and makes you think before setting it down.) but it is annoying when you're working through wiring, and realize you want the machine just one more space to the right.

    I don't mind the time to recraft the machine, but sometimes getting the specific materials again is a pain; which is why I suggest the "exploding into componant parts" solution instead of just losing it to a machine block.


    (slightly radio-) SUPER-active Wrench 5002! will certainly solve that problem! And it runs on electricity! ....Because of the gibbl it has to produce! I think!

  • Actually a wrench that at max splits the machines in blocks sounds great. I think it should use a lot of energy and can only be charged in a crystal charger. Something like 4 or 5 uses on it before it depletes, so you actually need to think if you want to move that furnace failsafe and waste something like 10000EU or take the risk of moving it with a normal wrench. Also the high EU consumption is required to balance the item, if it can save you dozens of mass fabricators or crystal chargers it should really cost a bit more than 2 of those machines.

    Maybe changing the crafting recipe from the one Dragonmystic suggested to something like that:


    U - Uranium Ingot
    B - Bronze (maybe something more expensive)
    A - Advanced circuit
    C - Energy Crystal
    ? - Something I don't know yet, FreqTrans maybe, just a Diamond, another Advanced circuit, Relay, or a Cable Obscurator to add a use to it apart from making cables pretty, the mutation it generates could lead to a temporary stability in the machine...

  • For a wrench that never fails. You could give the Admin-tool of godlike banhammoring 9000+1 that ability.


    Buildcraft – spilling items.™

  • I would 100% agree with machines dropping their components when destroyed normally, rather than just a machine, which would include explosions, drilling, as well as failed wrenching, so as to stop wasting resources, so as to make the fail merely an inconvenience rather than destroy a ton of your resources.