[Bug] [IC2 1.42] Machines not drawing current at night

  • I'm not really sure where to post this but it seems like the best place would be here. We just put the 1.0.0 port for IC2 on our server which also runs BC, with Additional Pipes, and RP2. After fixing conflicting IDs we proceded to enjoy the game and start upgrading our lavish bases to include IC2 machinery. I, being a cheap bum, decided to use my typical array of Solar Panels and soon noticed a problem. After I hooked up some solar panels to a Batbox and wired the batbox to my machines, properly, i noticed that whenever night fell my machines would stop drawing a current. If I put in a RE-Battery they would start working again but they would not draw from the batbox at night.

  • I'm still in the 'need to find enough iron to make a pickaxe out of it' stage (-just- wasted 3 ingots on making a bucket so I could start growing food and not die) on my new world. Maybe later tonight I'll be advanced enough to test this legitimately... but I could try giving my self stuff via MPUtils /i command (damage codes are so useful).

  • I'm still in the 'need to find enough iron to make a pickaxe out of it' stage (-just- wasted 3 ingots on making a bucket so I could start growing food and not die) on my new world. Maybe later tonight I'll be advanced enough to test this legitimately... but I could try giving my self stuff via MPUtils /i command (damage codes are so useful).

    /give works with damage now, found this on the Minecraft wiki and via TMI's page.

  • I havent tested this on SSP mind you -- just on SMP, im not overly fond of playing MC alone >.> the world feels lonely.
    I am curious though if a different source of energy would work better, such as wind or -shudder- water, ill try this when my server gets put back up and come back with the results of my test

  • I /have/ seen overloaded servers where the state of a dialog box doesn't update in a timely manor; it is possible your server was experiencing this. Another critical thing to do would be to check the machines themselves to see what their charge indicator shows and if they have any input/output left to work with.

  • What could be happening is that your server somehow stops updating the energy net for that particular batbox after a certain time has elapsed since the last feed. (Sounds far out but it is a possibility)
    Try adding another bat box on the output line and feed the power from that bat box back to the first one. Thus making a feedback loop.

    I'm not saying this is how you should build but it can help pinpoint the problem. If the machines survive the night with that setup then we know that the bat box isn't updating as it should.

  • Is there any possibility that your batbox is receiving a redstone signal?

    Disappointed with the bugs and nerfedness of AtomicStryker Corp's Advanced Machines, and the unupdatedness of Snyke's Enterprises?
    Need low-lag renewable power?
    Come to ImmTech Intragalactical this thread for free UUM!

    Note: UUM may stand for Unnerfed Unbuggy Updated Machines and may not be actual UUM. The extra U was lost due to a bit error.
    Battery snot included.

  • Yes my batbox COULD be recieving a redstone signal, id have to go look under my floor, i think i see where you are going with that so ill take a peek and if any redstone is applied ill shut that off. I put down a second batbox and right as night fell all electricity stopped moving, they are still connected to solar panels so that may have something to do with it -- i will try Aero-power (wind turbines) next.

    EDIT: My batbox WAS recieving a redstone signal from a red alloy wire i had run nearby, i removed it and the first half of my machines seem to be working properly, ill test my second half and re-edit this post afterwards

    EDIT2: All of my machines seem to work fine now -- thx guys

  • Redstone never occurred to me, good catch and glad you got it fixed.
    But please people, the bug section is for ACTUAL BUGS, not help building your energy net.
    You need to confirm it's a bug beyond any reasonable doubt.

    Innocent til proven guilty!