This mod makes IC2 blocks compatible with BuildCraft blueprints, introduced in 3.1.0. Obviously requires BuildCraft 3.1.0 or later - I will ignore all "ClassNotFoundException: buildcraft/api/bptblocks/BptBlockOrientMeta" errors.
Download v1.0 (tested on BuildCraft v3.1.0)
- Machines, generators, energy storage units, safes and trade-o-mats (orientation)
- Colored walls (1 n wall -> 1 construction foam + 1 n dye)
- Colored cables (1 n-painted cable -> 1 cable + 1 n dye)
- Luminators
- Scaffolds (1 reinforced scaffold -> 1 scaffold + 2 sticks)
- All other blocks without special properties (metal blocks, ores, etc.)
This mod doesn't include the Technic shenanigans - I have surrendered.