Is this updated for ic2 1.64 - and thanks this is very useful
look around some... it's built in to 1.6(2/4)
Is this updated for ic2 1.64 - and thanks this is very useful
look around some... it's built in to 1.6(2/4)
look around some... it's built in to 1.6(2/4)
This part isn't quite integrated, Well its nice to have crafting and machines integrated, but I haven't seen the subset in there yet, sorry if I have overlooked that but if someone has seen it there then please would be nice to have a pic of it or so.
Changed it a bit and this is what I have now, and it seems to appear in the subsets menu:
IndustrialCraft.Building_Blocks_and_Tools= [30185],[230-232],[234],[30117],[30122]
IndustrialCraft.Cable_Tools= [30153-30170]
IndustrialCraft.Cables= [30184]
IndustrialCraft.Construction_Foam= [30131-30133],[30129],[222]
IndustrialCraft.Armor&weapons= [30148],[30149],[30171-30180],[30192-30200],
IndustrialCraft.Electric_Tools_and_Packs= [30233-30235],[30140],[30148],[30182],[30208],[30210],[30219-30220],[30180],[30127],[30124],[30119],[30122]
IndustrialCraft.Energy_Storage_and_Transformers= [227]
IndustrialCraft.Generators= [246]
IndustrialCraft.Machines= [250:1-250:11]
IndustrialCraft.Products.Ores,Bars_and_Dusts= [247-249],[30128],[30130],[30147],[30243-30256]
IndustrialCraft.Portable_Energy_Storage= [30238-30242]
IndustrialCraft.Terraformer_Blueprints= [30118],[30141-30146]
IndustrialCraft.Agriculture= [30119-30122]
IndustrialCraft.Upgrades= [30125]
IndustrialCraft.Thermometers= [31256],[31257]
Thanks for the updated subsets - it makes searching for things much easier!
It has still stuff missing but, it isn't too difficult to update. Thought of doing a whole rehaul on it, probably changing some names, for example storage and transformators text is so long, so my split those 2, and add some other items at some time. Subgrouping too probably and as you can use items in multiple groups so there is some improvments to do, just did a quick update to sort items easier.
But I am quite sure if they'd add it into the IC2 then they could do it more efficiently, so when you change your ID-s it automatically changes them in subsets. I mean if they extend their NEI part with subsets as extra to crafting part.
Is it possible to add the machines from the BC-IC Crossover add-on? The engines apparently no longer use the block ID in the "IB" version.
Is it possible to add the machines from the BC-IC Crossover add-on? The engines apparently no longer use the block ID in the "IB" version.
I don't use them myself, but I think they have some kind of itemID at least so it shouldn't be difficult to add them, they will probably show grey (as with thermometers for players who don't use them). When I put together my SSP pack, I will probably look into it, but currently messing with one sever where they don't use BC-IC Crossover addon, but they use PowerCrystal's PowerConverters.
it is just a .config file
it is just a .config file
A Config File?! Sounds like that goes in the config folder!
(Thank you for this file, I'm using it as a template to make subsets for all my mods. Unfortunately, in a fit of OCD, I rearranged all my block IDs when I installed my mods, so it'll be useless for others.)
A Config File?! Sounds like that goes in the config folder!
(Thank you for this file, I'm using it as a template to make subsets for all my mods. Unfortunately, in a fit of OCD, I rearranged all my block IDs when I installed my mods, so it'll be useless for others.)
I did the same for my items. Well yea it is config/NEISubset.cfg file.
Very nice! Works fine. Thank you very much!
Mind updating the link?