Do Uranium Cells, and their isotope companions, explode if they are placed into a normal chest? I turned my back on some, and an explosion did happen. Whether it was a creeper or the chest, I don't know.

Uranium Cells in Chest
They are inert until they are inserted into a reactor. Must have been something else.
LOLZ, the creeper was trying to steal the uranium! Maybe Alakaboom should make it so you can't store uranuim cells right next to each other in inventory, or they react.
That would just get annoying.
maybe somebody pranked you and placed an nuke beneath your chest XD
maybe somebody pranked you and placed an nuke beneath your chest XD
Happened to me once, guy was banhammered and the server shut down till I could figure out a bug that happened at the same time.
Happened to me once, guy was banhammered and the server shut down till I could figure out a bug that happened at the same time.
no way? XD that is REALY an sick prank!
place a few chests with hidden trigers to an nuke... then wait....wait.... WTF! BOOOOOOOOOM!
wow, that would be an awesomely sick prank! haha
SSP = Wtf Bug
SMP = Greifer
Nuf said
no way? XD that is REALY an sick prank!
place a few chests with hidden trigers to an nuke... then wait....wait.... WTF! BOOOOOOOOOM!
wow, that would be an awesomely sick prank! haha
Didn't really help that I had a server mod that allows for chests to produce a Redstone signal once closed. *sigh* Never using that again.
would be an bad mod.... haha. allowed for an nuke triggering
Oh right, never responded.
Thanks for replying! Now I can keep my cells in my chest without fear of meltdown!