I have been building a power plant and distribution network for SMP.
And as you might understand there is a loot of energyflow through those wires. I am currenctly using EV and, it is still quite allot energy loss.
I suggest we get a get a new level, UH! (which is Ultra high). Which converts 2048 EU to 8192 and vice versa.
Then we might need a new wire. This wire will have an insane loss if we use 512 EU packets, but if we use 8192 packets we have for example 5 eu/t loss every 10 block.
The wire/cable will be very cheap, but the transformator will be expensive!
=16 UH cable
=1 UH Tranformer
This would be very helpfull for SMP servers, and maybe it should be an addon since this is something that only a few of us need. If this idea is something someone wan't to code, I can try to balance this more.
What you think? It would be very usefull! Have a nice day!