Very Simply put, I want missles. I am aware of the Rocket Science addon, and thats pretty much what I want, but with more options, ex: Propellant (ent?) missle, in which instead of destroying the blocks, it throws them around. Especially in SMP, It could be very entertaining.

Suggestion: Missles
Pretty much: no?
Unless you meant Missile as in Rocket Launcher, in which case you "just" have to wait ~1-2 months for the Industrium Conflict content pack. -
Oh, you tease!
That sounds like a pretty cool expansion. I'm not the sort who does PvP in Minecraft (not when there are so many better games for that kind of thing), but I'll tell you, I'd love to kill a creeper with a shoulder-fired rocket some day!
Payback's a bitch, you green bastard! -
Pretty much: no?
Unless you meant Missile as in Rocket Launcher, in which case you "just" have to wait ~1-2 months for the Industrium Conflict content pack.You sir are evil. How dare you tease us =(
Oh, you tease!
That sounds like a pretty cool expansion. I'm not the sort who does PvP in Minecraft (not when there are so many better games for that kind of thing), but I'll tell you, I'd love to kill a creeper with a shoulder-fired rocket some day!
Payback's a bitch, you green bastard!The difference with FPS vs PvP in Mincraft is, you can literally build your own weapon. Ok, in this regard there will be a fix amount of guns, but with the Itemstack NBT-system i will permit players to craft entirely customized ammo. F.e. a MG belt consisting of a mix of incendary, AP and normal rounds, lead by a short burst of EMP ones to fry any QuantumSuit.
Industrium conflict? Yes please.
Industrial conflict sounds like an error in the Mod-Loader.txt^^
Unfortunatly we won't get a gibb-Animation when shooting zombies with rockets
So we have AP, EM and I Ammunition, maybe HE too. Well, evt. Poison and Stun (for milking cows^^). Missles could come in I, HE, maybe some kind of bunker-buster that creates a more directional explosion..., of course EM. To early to think about all the possibilities.
Yeah to bad the AI is dumb in this game and not challenging. It would been cool but I guess it will be more directed at pure pvp.
Yeah to bad the AI is dumb in this game and not challenging. It would been cool but I guess it will be more directed at pure pvp.
Allegedly smarter AI will become a feature in later versions of Vanilla. In addition, several mods do make enemies smarter, or add more (The Invasion mod comes to mind). The main problem, of course, would be throttling the difficulty until one can tech up.