Occasionally, miners that I place will throw whatever they dig up over the floor instead of putting it in a chest. The chest next to this miner had 3 item stacks inside it, so it's not a case of the chest being full. Could it be due to the miner being on the very edge of a chunk and the chest being in the next (unloaded) one?

[Bug: 1.43] Distant Miners ignore chest and spew stuff on to the ground
Have you stayed near a freshly put miner and see if it properly dropped its content on the chest?
Could it be due to the miner being on the very edge of a chunk and the chest being in the next (unloaded) one?
Yes, definitely possible. Whether it's the cause of this bug, unknown.
Have you stayed near a freshly put miner and see if it properly dropped its content on the chest?
I've never seen a miner actively spit items out on to the ground unless the chest is full (stupid natural cobblestone generators...).
Sadly, its difficult to see when a chunk start and when it ends, unless you are using the Teleport Pipes for buildcraft with the chunkloader (Theres a key that show you what chunks it will be loading), or ReiMinimap (Theres and option to show a chunk grid, its not exact but it works)
Hitting F3 and doing some math also works (0.000001 through 15.999999 is a chunk if you take the remainder of dividing the co-ords by 16)
Just came back to my miners (new area this time) and saw it again. I think it is a chunk boundary issue - the miner was on z = 607, while the chest was on z = 608 (which is a nice even 16 * 38).
Put the chest on one of the miner's other sides, preferably under it's power cable. It shouldn't be an issue anymore.
Put the chest on one of the miner's other sides, preferably under it's power cable. It shouldn't be an issue anymore.
I think chest above miner is better, since they will be at same X and Z and obviously same chunk [which is probably the issue]