Question: No ores, no rubber trees - Old vanilla world

  • Hello,
    I have read all faq, searche the forum but can't find my answer.
    Recently i added IC2 to my local vanilla server and client. Versions ModLoaderMP 2.1, MincraftForge, IC2 1.64

    I already had my world created on this server without any mods. After installin IC2 Everything seems to work, i can make new items (well at least the tap) But it seems my world has no ic2 resources, no special ores (tin, copper), no rubber trees. I searched all the map, and didn't find any.

    If i create a new world in SSP, i can see the rubber trees easily from above. But not in the server with old generated World (SMP)

    So the question is: should old worlds work with ic2 or only new generated after mod installation.
    If old map will not get ic2 ores /trees is there any way to force these material generation?

    I could create a new map, but i really like my old creations and would love to play on my old world with ic2 features, in survival mode.

  • Thx for quick answer, will try not the visual approach now (looking from a tower) but will try to actually walk the map and try new dungeons i never been to search for material. I hope they will generate some where :)

    Thx again. But maybe there is some simple script to regenerate all chunks in the map? without destroying it?

  • You just need to go a chunk further than you ever have been. In every new generated chunk the new IC2 stuff will be included.

    But how do you imagine such a regenerate-script should work ? How should it know, what it has to regenerate and what not destroy ?

  • Yes you'r right, well tried to travel well beoynd the point i have ever been, still no ore in 40x40 block down tunnel, nor trees. I gues the new world would be the best option here, still sad to leave the old one :D thx for the help guys ;)

  • If the mod is running without errors, there will be new ores generated. Don't only move beyond your farest point "on" the world, also pay attention to your mining tunnels which can be quite long ;)
    Best way is to look for a small ocean and across it, that should be around 200-1000 blocks.

    Also you should now, that rubber trees only spawn in swamp biomes ;)

    PS: But if you want to start a new world anyway, have a look at "MCEdit" where you can cut&copy parts from your old world and import it at your new one ;) That's the way I just did it and it worked great ;)

  • Or use MCedit's prune function.

  • Was looking for something like MCEdit thx guys!!,

    also i have deleted all regions of world that did not had my buildings and my main dungeon, and what you think? I know have my old world, and beyond some distance, i found the ore!! :) so thx again. Sorry for newbie like question :) i just though that generation of resources is working always not only on new chunks in minecraft, so i was wondering if IC2 was working at all, now it seems everything ok, and can enjoy the IC2 ;) thx again for your help everyone