Suggestion: Balancing Issues when using multple mods like redpower

  • So basically with Red Power installed you can pretty much run a Nuclear Reactor using nothing but uranium and water buckets. You could also do something similar with water mills, using buckets and tubes.
    In my opinion I think this is way OP. I know this is not Industrial Crafts fault, I just wish there was a option in the config file that would make it so you cant connect tubes to machines.

    Another Issue I would like to address is the solar panels. I know its a bit more expensive to make. But I really think they should be nerfed just a bit. I know they only work during day time. But face it most of the time on my server at least I'm always setting the time back to 0 when it starts to get dark. Or if your playing single player you probably always go to bed. So the Solar panels are pretty much on 24/7.

    To fix this, I think it would be best to make solar panels give .05 EU each instead of 1. I am aware many people won't like this. So would it be possible to add a option in the config file that would allow you to change the EU output of the solar panel. This way people who liked it the old way, don't have to change anything, and if people think its to op they can easily adjust it in the config.

    Another Issue I have a problem with is empty cells and the nether. You can go to the nether with 10 stacks of empty cells and return with 10 stacks of lava cells in about 10 minutes. That's about 640 cells. That about 13 million EU that you just harvested in 10 minutes.

    A fix to this I would say is to not allow you to revive a lava cell by using a empty cell on a source block of lava.

    Or again, at least add a option in the config to disable picking up lava cells using empty cells on lava blocks.

    I was also going to mention the tin bucket to iron ingot exploit that you can do when you have RedPower Installed, but I see there is a option in the config that disables the bucket recipe using tin.

    So anyways. These are just suggestions. Go easy on me.

  • im positive their is an option to disable tin bucket crafting

    still rocking the GMA 950 card :D overclocked to the point of smoking. :huh: hahahahaha now i got my 525m now that thing does work 8) :P :D

  • I can see where you're coming from, Timmie. I agree that the tin bucket, refine to iron exploit is nothing but an exploit. Though as an exercise in logistics and for entertainment value I did set up a BC/RP2 production line on my 1.0 world to convert my excess tin into iron :) This time around I've turned off RP2's tin/copper so I don't have the problem.

    I'm not sure that I consider the rp2 bucket reactor as being OP. You can get some pretty impressive stuff without using rp2. eg with repeaters and vanilla redstone you could set up a timed natural cooling reactor pretty easily. The fact that IC2 allows you to put water buckets and ice in at all suggests that they had it in mind that this should be automated to some degree with rp2 or BC. It's simply not practical to use buckets without an automaton.

    Plus I had a lot of fun setting up my rp2 bucket CARUC system yesterday which at the end of the day is the point of playing a/the game.

    GENERATION 26: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment or chain letter? This is left as an exercise for the reader.

    Efficiency 3, 50% duty cycle. SMP friendly. Alternate two of them slowly with an rp2 sequencer for a steady 120 EU/t.

  • Well the point is not only being OP. The Bucketsystem technically defeats the whole purpose of creating such a cool ReactorGUI with a lot of functionality.

    And of course they are somehow OP. Without a CASUC you are unable to reach efficiencies much over 3. So CASUCs allow for about 33% increased EU-Output per Uranium-Cell, since they normally go way over Eff 4.

    Tin/Iron Buckets were never an issue for me. I normally manage my ressources quite good and I won't run out of iron or tin that soon.

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    Well the point is not only being OP. The Bucketsystem technically defeats the whole purpose of creating such a cool ReactorGUI with a lot of functionality.

    The ReactorGUI is good, ofc, but i would never make myself a, for example, Mark 1 making 40 eu/t when i can A LOOOOOOOOOT cheeper make 2 geogen generators, or solar panels, or even just generators. You will have even recourses left for another drill, or a chainsaw.

  • Well you could easily reach eff 3.0 without much problems. So every Uranium-Cell provides 3.000.000 EU. There just is no other material that is worth so much EU. It is the same as 150 Lava-Cells. Oh and 120 EU/t is easily doable without a CASUC. Technically it is only about 80 EU/t since the reactor needs cooldown, but as long as it runs it's 120 EU/t.

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    Well you could easily reach eff 3.0 without much problems. So every Uranium-Cell provides 3.000.000 EU. There just is no other material that is worth so much EU. It is the same as 150 Lava-Cells. Oh and 120 EU/t is easily doable without a CASUC. Technically it is only about 80 EU/t since the reactor needs cooldown, but as long as it runs it's 120 EU/t.

    You forgot to mention it will leave a hole in the ground and without energy when on cooldown.

    150 lava cells is less cost when building a eff 3. nuclear reactor legitly.

  • Ehm... no.

    A MarkII will never go boom normally. It runs a full cycle but needs cooling afterwards.

    Actually building a casuc is totally easy, if you don't go for that much EU/t.


    This is redicolous easy to build and provides a lot of power. Which is just straight forward way too strong.

    A reactor like this


    provides reasonable power and actually for quite a long time. It gives 12.000.000 EU or 600 Blocks of Lava for one cycle. Given that you only need 4 Uranium for this it is suitable of providing a lot of power. You will run out of easy to access lava way before you run out of uranium. And of course this reactor is basically fire and forget, since you place some Uranium in it and have 2 hours to do something else. So even in the first cycle the reactor provides you with 7 diamonds if you feed the energy into a mass-fab or 10 Iridium-Ore (enough for a piece of Q-Suit). So after 4 Cycles you have enough materials for the Q-Suit (based on the useable parts, since the chest is normally dropped for a lappack).

    So technically a CASUC only does some minor things:

    1. It increases efficiency by 33% and more.
    2. It is way cheaper than a regular reactor
    3. It is able to burn more uranium at a time.

    All 3 things together just cause the problem mentioned by the OP. With BC or RP there is no reason to build a regular Reactor using the new methods since a basic casuc only needs to work with 16 uranium-cells to reach eff4 increasing the efficiency by 33%. So you only need to place 3 new buckets per second into the reactor, since you have at least 8 Slots with one Chamber or 14 with 2 chambers this is totally easy.

    I know it is fun to build and manage CASUCs yet they are hilarious OP and I would understand and actually approve if reactors got changed to not accepting tubes or pipes. Since this would make the new reactor-features worth using.

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    I know it is fun to build and manage CASUCs yet they are hilarious OP and I would understand and actually approve if reactors got changed to not accepting tubes or pipes. Since this would make the new reactor-features worth using.

    Now look:
    And now here:

    And thats only for ONE planting.
    On THAT much recourses waisted on plantings, i can build better things, like winds or solars. I can make some geogens and cells, and make good enegry too. I can make many instruments i need, i can make a spare bronze armor i would need. I can make much biofuel or fuel from cells.

  • So you are complaining that making a nuclear reactor, which is supossed to be end game stuff, the legit way too expensive? lol.

    If i were to nerf interaction with Redpower machines, i would try and make it impossible for Redpower machines to interact with the nuclear reactor if there are even 1 Extra chamber attached. If no chamber is attached make the interacion with Redpower machines normal.

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    So you are complaining making a nuclear reactor, which is supossed to be end game stuff, the legit way too expensive? lol.

    Not complaining because its expensive, but cause i can exchange all those recourses i would waiste on it for MUCH nice things i need.
    Don't care how much recourses you need to build it, really, but now, if i can make much more valuable things instead of the reactor, why do i need it?

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    EndGame = Mass cluttering of resource = Not giving a shit about material cost.
    Ergo why nuclear reactor fully chambered its a Endgame stuff.

    Building a reactor then means that you won the game.

  • Building a reactor then means that you won the game.

    No. Killing the dragon means you have won the game (according to mojang anyway).

    Building a nuclear reactor means you either have nothing else to do or you need something that can give you more constant energy than your convencional reactor.

  • Quote

    No. Killing the dragon means you have won the game (according to mojang anyway).

    It won't even stand nano-armor :P


    Building a nuclear reactor means you either have nothing else to do or you need something that can give you more constant energy than your convencional reactor.

    Yes, that why its a recourse waisting.
    Not counting that "constant" is only with mark 1, all other reactors will leave you without your house. If used, ofc.

  • It won't even stand nano-armor :P

    Yes, that why its a recourse waisting.
    Not counting that "constant" is only with mark 1, all other reactors will leave you without your house. If used, ofc.

    Ehm... you never used a MarkII have you? They don't kill your house normally. Oh and let's go solar against nukes.

    The best MarkII gives 84EU/t (120 if running, and the rest goes into cooldown). It does not need any mechanics, since it won't create energy if the material is used up, so just run a cycle and let it cool down before putting new stuff in (or cool it with some water, would increase the EU produced greatly).

    This Mark II equals 168 Solar-Plants. Solarplants need 10 Refined Iron each, so you would need 1680 Refined Iron the Reactor with full plating would need 340 Iron... and he beats the solars right in the face. Even Wind would end up using 504 Refined Iron, since you need at least 42 of them (they will go from 0 to 4, EU/t so mid of 2 EU/t). Now solars also need 6 Copper each, which means over 1.000 Copper and again the Nuclear reactor wins. And also with Tin the Reactor wins since each battery uses 4 of them and you need 168 batteries. Not to forget the wiring.

    Mark IIs are the most ressource-efficient reactors, if you ignore totally OP manned watermills. They are beaten by GeoGens in the nether, but since there is no way to transport this energy into the normal world this is kind of pointless. So while Reactors need a great investment in ressources to start them they are quite efficient, at least better than unmanned watermills, solars and wind-energy. GeoGen is incredible dependend on avaible lava-sources and the normal generator needs a lot of material to build a fuel-cycle which also eats away a lot of tin.

    So Nuclear reactors are already one of the most efficient generators and need neither much planning nor much wiring. A Mark II is easy to place, you don't even need lots of protection since the only possibility to blow it up is if you want to blow it up (and you can easily test the temperature with a bucket of water).

    So Casucs are way other the top. They provide a ressource-efficiency unmatched even by other totally OP energy-sources. And they are quite save if you don't go for the cutting-edge reactor, but about 1.000 EU/t is doable without much trouble.

  • I don't see how nuclear reactors are over powered. Its not like you can let them sit and expect to get EU. You have to maintain it. It needs uranium to run. I don't know about you but at least in my world I am not finding much uranium.

    A reactor is not a renewable source of EU. You always have to interact with the reactor if you want to get EU.

    Which makes Solar Panels to OP for me. I had to nerf them on my server to give off .5 EU.

    Please don't try and tell me how many materials it takes to make a solar panel. Because the world is pretty much infinite. So in about a hour or so. You can get enough materials to make 40 more solar panels.

    1 hour in exchange for a permanent 40 EU/t upgrade does not sit well in my books.

  • 20Eu/t, or 10 Eu/t on your sever/world, unless you skip nights.

  • Let's just take a Eff4 Casuc, not best, but easy to do.

    This thing produces 128.000.000 EU during one cycle. It does not cost much (well you only need the reactor and 1 Chamber) about 120 Iron, 140 Tin and 200 Copper. Since every Solar costs 10 Iron you could use the same amount of Materials to build let's say 14 Solars since you need some more Iron for the RP stuff to make it work.

    So for the same ressources you get:

    A whooping 640 EU/t Reactor that provides you with 128.000.000 EU
    Or some poor 7 EU/t Solars, that need 10 days to create 128.000.000 EU

    And your argument that you only need to dig a bit to get more ressources for more solars is true for uranium too. and since Every piece of Uranium is worth 4.000.000 EU in this reactor, and you will most likely find one Uranium everey 10 Iron, since it is not that rare (but the veins are rather small). You could build 2 Solars, which again need 2 days to provide as much energy as the single piece of uranium. Even with a Eff3-Reactor you beat solars easily.

    If you reach Eff3 which is doable with a MarkII on high costs you normally surpass most other generators. And since a CASUC and a MarkII are both reactors that you don't need to babysit you have a lot of time doing different things. They both run for a full cycle which is about 2hours 40mins (10.000 seconds), and this is a lot. A MarkII needs 4 Uranium every cycle, which should not be that hard.