Anyways I received a crash report once trying to use advanced machines with tinkers construct. Since It appears to me the problem is caused by advanced machines here is a paste bin link to the crash report.

[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Advanced Machines 1.1.6
Delete your configs and let them re-generate.
Hey, I was wondering: how long does it take (by default) for a Centrifuge Extractor to produce an empty cell?
Also, by how much does an overclocker upgrade increase its operation/processing speed (by default)?
If you could, please assume 20 ticks per second, if you can only answer with seconds and not ticks.I made a thread here showing what I have tried doing to find this information and asking the same thing.
hey so when I use your mod with minecraft I get this error
2013-05-30 19:35:29 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod AdvancedMachines (IC2 Advanced Machines Addon) requires mods [IC2] to be available
2013-05-30 19:35:29 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Mod sorting dataI cut out the other 99% of the error because of how big the text is but I singled out this as the error, I have 1.5.1 minecraft, I am using 1.5.1 IC2 and 1.5.1 download of your mod and it just wont start minecraft, do you know what else I can do?
While you implement Compatibility with Hoppers?
They will never be compatible with Hoppers, Hoppers only take Items from Inventories above them, and Advanced Machines can only be emptied from the sides
I was wondering if anyone knows how to get Advanced Machines to work for the current version of Minecraft, which is 1.5.2. It crashes when I have forestry installed and would like to have this mod added to the Magic Launcher that I use. I am using the current version of the Magic Launcher as well. If you need me to get a crash report, I would be more than willing to do that for you.
They will never be compatible with Hoppers, Hoppers only take Items from Inventories above them, and Advanced Machines can only be emptied from the sides
Well and GregTech Machines can output to all 6 Sides at once and have intelligent Inventory filling. You might add something like that with the new vanilla ISidedInventory. It would fix most Issues.
IC2 crash. Don't care.
Are you including the IC2 API in your Mod? If so then you are causing it, if not, then another Mod is causing it by doing so.
i gonna use it into my public modpack if you get problems whith that i remove it.
IC2 crash. Don't care.
Addendum: Updated to current IC2 API.
i found weird dupe bug, i place one of three machine then remove it with wrench and after place one mfsu, it will say internal server error and when you rejoin there is one mfsu placed and one in your hand
Just wanted to let you know that when you use a ic2 wrench to remove a Adv Extractor, and then place a pipe from BC there. Crash D: sure if this because something is "left over" from IC2, your mod or BC so just figured I would report it to everyone
It means IC2 wrenching did not correctly kill the TileEntity when setting the block 0, or it refused to die somehow
Looking at IC2 code, they use "world.setBlock(x, y, z, 0, 0, 3);" hmmm should work
Hey there, just letting you know i'll be including this in my ModPack, yet untitled, if there is a problem with this let me know. Keep up the great work!
It means IC2 wrenching did not correctly kill the TileEntity when setting the block 0, or it refused to die somehow
Looking at IC2 code, they use "world.setBlock(x, y, z, 0, 0, 3);" hmmm should work
Do you extend BlockContainer?
Do you override breakBlock? -
Good call. Another late Zippinius fix: breakBlock Override now calls super.breakBlock
This be my last report. I'm going be moving to Immibis version as I have to many critical issues with yours. The biggest one is wrenching it off and sometimes having like invisible machine there and ugh. Things that plagued this mod for not just weeks but many months.