I got this idea from a Forumpost and didn't found a thread belonging to this.
A UUM-Production-Unit short UUMPU, which should stop people from carrying UUM with them, to instaproduce the things they need.
It's simply a device that produces your stuff out of UUM, instead of using the Craftingtable.
Put UUM in and select what you want from its GUI (or put UUM in a craftinggrid).
After a certain time and a small energyconsumption it has produced the Material you want.
Edit: It's also possible to use it to craft things like Circuits or Iridiumplates directly from UUM, and there is no limit to 9 UUM per recipe!
Edit: The craftingrecipe could be like this:
= Workbench and Chest
Machines are needed to process items like sticky Resin or Ironore.
Now to the GUI itself:
Leftclick on item = Produce one more
Shift-Leftclick on item = Produce as much as Possible
Rightclick on item = Produce automatical while enough UUM is there (For Automatisation)
Shift-Rightclick on item = ?
it has an internal Storage for 6 Stacks of UUM (shown as ) and 9 Stacks of the Product (shown as
Also it has 36 Slots (or 30 + Scrollbar shown as ) to Select the item like the Craftingtable-II.
And it shows the Actually selected Product (shown as )
The GUI looks a bit like that:
:Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Industrial Diamond: :Industrial Diamond: :Industrial Diamond:
:Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Industrial Diamond: :Industrial Diamond: :Industrial Diamond:
:Intergrated Plating: = Void
So that's the basic idea.