1. Remove the batteries from the Luminator, so that they can only workwith electricity from the wires, so they can be turn off.
2. Add the power switch. On the more power they will consume more energy, but they will shine brighter.
Two suggestions about the Luminators.
1. Remove the batteries from the Luminator, so that they can only workwith electricity from the wires, so they can be turn off.
2. Add the power switch. On the more power they will consume more energy, but they will shine brighter.please learn to use the Search Bar. This has been suggested several times already, amongst MANY other ideas.
Alblaka said they will be completely reworked, so any Suggestion about that is most likely useless.
I am glad that they are being reworked. But what I would really like to see is the ability to link them with a lever using the frequency remote. Bam! instant light switch
this can now be done with Vanilla MC using Redstone Lamps and a redstone Current. but i believe that will be one of the functions with the luminators after they are re-worked.
this can now be done with Vanilla MC using Redstone Lamps and a redstone Current. but i believe that will be one of the functions with the luminators after they are re-worked.
Redstone current lights are useless, everything should use EU's even RedPower Lights.. .. I say =) Well MC lights usea glowstone yes.. But they should also use EU's when using IC
How ever.. Iluminators should have second mode? or totally different illuminator "megalator" =D lols Spot Lights!! =) yes Spot lights should be added To IC not to MCvanilla but to IC so they use EU's
Redstone current lights are useless, everything should use EU's even RedPower Lights.. .. I say =) Well MC lights usea glowstone yes.. But they should also use EU's when using IC
How ever.. Iluminators should have second mode? or totally different illuminator "megalator" =D lols Spot Lights!! =) yes Spot lights should be added To IC not to MCvanilla but to IC so they use EU's
better yet, how about make Illuminators a Coating for Fiber Glass Cables, that lights up when current is flowing through them? if this can be done without strainging the hell out a server i'd use thes on almost all my cables and even use it as Rope Lighting around my house.