Since i have played IC2 and tried the nice number of items that the matter allows you to make I realized that clay is not possible to be made by matter. I think the matter should be able to create clay since it's not always easy to get enough to make a large number of blocks or bricks.

Matter usage addition for Clay
= 48 Clayballs
= Matter even if it don't looks like it.
= I'm ever using them for Empty Fields on a GUI.
Looks like the C for Clay if you can't remember it (That Logic applies even to Lapis Lazuli and Iridium).
= 48 Clayballs
= Matter even if it don't looks like it.
= I'm ever using them for Empty Fields on a GUI.
Looks like the C for Clay if you can't remember it (That Logic applies even to Lapis Lazuli and Iridium).
yup, as they said, clay is possible, looks like a C, i think just about everything is possible but Uranium and i think Glowstone but you can make glowstone from gold and redstone. UUM can make like 30 different items, you just have to toy with it, i kept a NotePad document for all my findings. i was amazed as to how much stuff i found.
Glowstoneblocks are possible but i dont tell you how, lol.
OK, i dont even know the recipe, because i'm using the goddamn awesome Craftingtable II.
Glowstoneblocks are possible but i dont tell you how, lol.
OK, i dont even know the recipe, because i'm using the goddamn awesome Craftingtable II.
wait, now that you mention it i think i might have seen glowstone blocks, i'm just alittle more awake now to actualy recall, i'll check my document when i get off work today.
I tried allot of combinations but clay was one i didn't find and thought it was left out. thanks for showing me the correct recipe so I can make construction foam easier.
no problem, yeah that ended up being a major use of alot of my UUM, Clay, lapis lazuli and redstone dust
Clay, lapis lazuli and redstone dust
Old IC1 recipe... (lowered yield, however..)
Plasticcraft + Cu Dust recipe
.. and don't have one for this... should, but then again, I have Vis, so meh... -
i've never even heard of plastic craft or Vis.
You've never heard of Plastic-craft or Thaumcraft ?!?!?!
(espectally due to how the features for TC2 are coming along... wicked sick!)
lol, yeah i just stick to my IC2, BC and now Clay Soldiers mod. those keep my pretty busy.