Hello, don't worry this is not another forge bug. I have updated forge to .57 and i triple checked every required mod and reinstalled ic2 twice but i can't seem to fix this. My inventory is now full of unknown seeds because my cropnalyzer will not accept ANYTHING in the power slot. Nothing, not batteries, crystals or anything else i've tried. Sorry to bother you again with bugs but this one is driving me crazy.

[1.81] [SMP] [SSP] Cropnalyzer Bug
What have you tried?
i've tried fully charged battery, half charged, minimal charge. Same with crystal. I've also tried charging the item itself, wearing a batpack, using lapatron crystals and electrolyzed water cells.
How does it behave in singleplayer?
I can't get it to take a battery in SSP either.
i am having this same problem. i can put seeds in the top left slot but nothing in the other slots, i've tried various charges of all crystals and bateries, even single use batteries. nothing works.
It does the exact same in single player.
Here is Pic of fields
And the bugI was clicking like crazy when the last screen was taken.
yup, same problem
yup, same problem
It's quite depressing, i was really excited to test out the agricultural aspect of industrialcraft just to find out that i can't even progress past my first cross breed. -
It's quite depressing, i was really excited to test out the agricultural aspect of industrialcraft just to find out that i can't even progress past my first cross breed.Yep. know how you feel. I never touched it in the last version. Accidentally made a crop once. But while I was waiting for the new version to come out I caught direwolf's tutorial vid on the agriculture and was itching to give it a shot.
Yep. know how you feel. I never touched it in the last version. Accidentally made a crop once. But while I was waiting for the new version to come out I caught direwolf's tutorial vid on the agriculture and was itching to give it a shot.
Ha ha ha if there is any mod out there, even one for smuggling cocaine, the only person that could make it look awesome is Direwolf20. I don't know about you but i can't sleep until thaumcraft 2 comes out.
Ha ha ha if there is any mod out there, even one for smuggling cocaine, the only person that could make it look awesome is Direwolf20. I don't know about you but i can't sleep until thaumcraft 2 comes out.Yep, I seriously can not wait for that, I have a set of at least 10 ID's reserved for it when it's out.
Yep, I seriously can not wait for that, I have a set of at least 10 ID's reserved for it when it's out.
I just hope i can get this cropnalyzer sorted out by then because i really want to finish the agriculture. But if thaumcraft comes out before then im just gonna ditch it.
i'm just cross breeding blindly, lol, i figure after a few days i'll have some Tier 16 plants and not even know it :p
I just hope i can get this cropnalyzer sorted out by then because i really want to finish the agriculture. But if thaumcraft comes out before then im just gonna ditch it.
Yeah, anyhow on topic, I can confirm this bug too.
I confirm this bug too.
Damnit, on it. -
Ninja'd, I fixed it.
Ninja'd, I fixed it.
Is there a download I can grab with the fix in it?
No, you need to wait until the next patch.