Can we have a thread where the devs pop in and say what they have just accomplished every once in a while?
It'd be a nice thing to know what the devs are doing.

Devs: What are you working on?
- justastranger
- Closed
... what a vid....
but yeah, lol, that would explain a few things. keep up the good work devs!
mmm, liking the look of tribes ascend. If I did play FPS games it would be that one, a lot more interesting than battlefield 3 or (god forbid) the mind-numbing multiplayer game play of the cod series.
Back to the original intend of the OP, yes I think it is a good idea, but it would have to be driven by the devs, not us. Something perhaps similar eloraams blog or Alblakas blog. So in effect us having to ask for it means that it probably won't be done, or it would be done already.I like it, but sorry, don't think it is going to happen. (hell, prove me wrong, Happy to be so 99% of the time, then I can learn stuff