Dead batteries, crushed cans, etc

  • I always feel a little silly throwing perfectly good stuff in the recycler. Could items such as emptied lava cells and dead single use batteries be given a separate damage value, changing their graphic and rendering them useless for their original purpose? Then for us tree hugger folks there would be something sensible to recycle.

    Edit// dang autocorrect.. Meant hugger not higher.

  • +1 i'm a sucker for recycler fodder suggestions

    true balance is impossible in video games the best one can hope for is to make it really hard to guess which of 2 choices are better.

    • Official Post

    Dead Singleusebatteries and emptyfied Cells are NOT POSSIBLE! They are stackable, so where are the empty ones after the use of a full one, huh? You would need one or even two new Slots for that Output in every Machine, and i doubt that this will ever happen.

    Idea good. Difficultydecrease bad. Still -1