using computercraft to controle a reactor....

  • ok so i had an idea as of today, and i want to know if anyone else has any experience with doing this before... i need to know if its safe.

    so, lets say i have a mkIII reactor, that can run one cycle of 90 mins before exploding, in your opinion, would it be safe to make a simple program that sends redstone (to a NOT gate) to stop the reactor after about 2500 seconds? ( icant stand in front of the thing all day you know)

    for example:


    • Official Post

    Thats more something for "Nuclear Engineering"-Section.

    Computercraft i a bit unsafe because everytime the Computer got outdie the loaded Chunks or the Map get loaded the Computer Restarts. If you keep that in mind then you can write Programs to avoid that BUT its not very simple and the Reactor has a Chunkloadbugwith Redstonesignals so you have also to think on that.

    These two Bugs are the only thing, what you have to think about, before using CC or any other Redstonecontraption.

  • If you don't want to wait, I came up with a MKIII design which blows up after only 19 minutes :D

    So I usually let it run for only 10 Minutes and it produces around 4 mio. EU in that time with an efficiency of 3.6. It's not a very cheap design but at least you won't have to wait too long :P